(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization predicts that depression will become the second highest cause of the global disease burden by 2020. Why is this? Many people consume a diet high in bad fats, fried, refined and sugary foods. Studies show that such a diet can certainly increase the risk of depression. When that happens, an individual will usually make an appointment to see a doctor who typically ends up prescribing anti-depressants, resulting in potential long term mental and physical health problems. It is a fact that a diet high in vegetables, fruits, and fish helps to prevent depression.
According to the findings of a study conducted by researchers between 1985 to 2004, the results of which have been published by the British Journal of Psychiatry, scientists have concluded that there is a definite relationship between poor dietary choices and depression. Based on these published results, health advocates in Britain will soon be recommending diets high in unprocessed foods specifically to prevent depression.
What Foods Contribute to Depression?
What humans eat controls the levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, which regulate behavior. Neurotransmitters are closely linked to mood.
Studies show that the neurotransmitters most commonly associated with mood are dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. When the brain produces serotonin, tension is eased and a person may feel happier. When it produces dopamine or norepinephrine, individuals tend to be more alert and tend to think and act more quickly.
Eating fresh fruit and vegetables raises the level of trytophan in the brain thereby increasing serotonin production which has a calming effect. High protein foods, on the other hand, promote the production of dopamine and norepineprine, which promote alertness.
Eating junk, sugary foods reduces the levels of these hormones in the brain, thereby increasing stress and tension, and reducing joy and alertness.
Mediterranean Diet - Helps Prevent Depression
The Mediterranean diet, as described by Dr. Sanchez-Villegas, has nine main components:
1.High ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids;
2.High intake of legumes
3.High intake fruit and nuts
4.High intake of cereals
5.High intake of vegetables
6.High intake of fish
7.Moderate intake of alcohol
8.Moderate intake dairy products
9.Low intake of meat
In his research, Dr. Sanchez-Villegas wrote that the diet "was thought to reduce inflammatory, vascular, and metabolic processes" that may be involved in the risk of clinical depression.
In contrast to the Standard American Diet (SAD), the diet of the Mediterranean people includes primarily fresh, seasonal vegetables and freshly caught fish rather than canned or imported produce. The diet eliminates fried foods that have been cooked or baked in rancid vegetable oils or trans fats.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Losing weight with appetite suppressing drugs, herbs and macronutrients
Are you trying to lose weight? If so, let me ask you a question: What would make your weight loss goals easier to achieve? Aside from having those pounds magically melt off, appetite control would probably help you the most, right? Unfortunately for most people, appetite control is easier said than done. We'd all like to look at a chocolate bar, a piece of cake or ice cream and experience no desire for it whatsoever, but many of us have psychological dependencies on these so-called "comfort foods." You may have tried fad diets or dangerous pills to try to lose those pounds and inches. But in the long term, they've all failed. So now what? Now is the time to really take control of your diet and body by finally controlling your appetite the right way.
Here's a general rule: Knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do. Similarly, before you learn how to really control your appetite and weight, you need to learn what doesn't work so that you can avoid it. If you wanted to, you could decide to become a methamphetamine addict and yes, you would lose weight. But you would also lose many other things, like your teeth, your money and your dignity. But still, weight loss would definitely occur.
Of course, the above was an extreme example, but not all misguided methods of weight loss are as obvious. After the FDA banned amphetamines as appetite suppressants, diet pill manufacturers started producing pills containing caffeine, ephedrine and phenyl-propanolamine in one huge triple dose. When combined together, these three substances "produce effects and dangers very similar to those of amphetamines," according to Stephen Cherniske in Caffeine Blues. In other words, the manufacturers found a way to give consumers amphetamine-like diet pills while circumventing the FDA's prohibition. In 1982, the FDA realized what was happening and banned the triple combination of these substances as well.
More recent appetite suppressant fads include the combination of fenfluramine and phentermine (Fen Phen) and ephedrine (Ephedra). In 1997, the Mayo Clinic reported that Fen Phen caused heart valve disease in 24 people, sparking lawsuits and widespread media coverage. To many people, "Fen Phen" has now become synonymous with "dangerous." However, Ephedra is still a hot topic in the media and legal system. The FDA has been steadfast in its ban of Ephedra in spite of a federal judge's decision to strike down the ban.
The FDA's decision probably has more to do with its mission to discredit herbal drugs in favor of more dangerous – yet profitable – prescription medicines than with any earnest desire to keep the public safe, according Mike Adams. You can read about the FDA's real war against Ephedra in both a brief article by the Health Ranger and the Health Ranger's discussion of the FDA's policies on Ephedra versus Sudafed.
So is Ephedra safe? It has been linked to 155 deaths in the United States. But remember also that prescription drugs are linked to 100,000 deaths and 2.2 million injuries per year. Ephedrine, meanwhile, has been safely used around the world for thousands of years. Ephedra certainly seems a lot safer than legal prescription drugs.
Alternative medicine guides list many natural compounds that may serve as appetite suppressants. Among these compounds are guar gum, St John's wort (also an antidepressant), garcinia, Jerusalem Artichokes and Dahlia roots. The most powerful appetite suppressant, however, is a healthy diet. A healthy diet should include vegetable-based proteins. Proteins lower insulin levels, according to Everything You Need to Know about Fat Loss. Lower insulin levels mean more appetite control (spiking insulin initiates hunger pangs).
A healthy diet also should contain carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, according to Dr. Thomas Wolever in The Glucose Revolution. These carbs "fill you up" and make you less likely to overeat. In fact, Dr. Wolever writes, "Consider them natural appetite suppressants!"
If you want to know exactly which foods naturally suppress your appetite, all the information you need is right here on NaturalNews. Be sure to read the Health Ranger's article Five appetite control foods that suppress cravings without adding calories. Just like these natural appetite suppressants, your weight loss goals and desired body image are more accessible than you might think.
The experts speak on appetite control:
At nineteen Liz … went to a doctor and got diet pills, or amphetamines. These little tablets …made losing weight (and cleaning her apartment) a breeze. These stimulant/appetite suppressants are known now as speed and are illegal. Liz knows why. She lost twenty-five pounds and stayed extremely thin as long as she was on the pills, about five years. But after she got married she decided to go off them because of her emotional reactivity and heart palpitations. In just one year Liz gained fifty pounds. The slender bride had disappeared in a hurry.
Breaking Out Of Food Jail by Jean Antonello RN BSN, page 185
Ecstasy Euphoria-inducing stimulant and hallucinogen. It is a derivative of the amphetamine … Developed in 1913 as an appetite suppressant,. …. The drug increases the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin and blocks its reabsorption in the brain; it also increases the amount of the neurotransmitter dopamine. .
Britannica Encyclopedia Volume One, page 583
"Use of other stimulants for appetite control and their side effects"
After amphetamines were banned, manufacturers started producing a combination of caffeine and related stimulants like ephedrine, together with a popular appetite suppressor found in diet aids known as phenyl-propanolamine (PPA). All of these drugs are adrenal and CNS stimulants, and when combined, they produce effects and dangers very similar to those of amphetamines.6 In 1982, the FDA caught on and banned the triple combination of caffeine, ephedrine, and PPA.
Caffeine Blues By Stephen Cherniske MS, page 262
After all, amphetamines were the original diet pills. Most of today's appetite suppressants are also stimulants. They include the herb-derived combination of caffeine (from coffee) and ephedrine (from Chinese ephedra, or ma huang) …
Anti-Aging Prescriptions by James Duke PhD, page 307
… Instead of providing a "natural choice," there is, in some cases, a wholesale endorsement of caffeine and other CNS stimulants. ..Herbal weight-loss programs, often accompanied by very scientific-looking literature, keep their adherents hyped up on quasi-legal stimulants to produce appetite suppression. When the users decide to stop taking the pills, their appetites return with a vengeance, and the lost pounds are rapidly regained. In the meantime, their health may suffer tremendously.
Caffeine Blues By Stephen Cherniske MS, page 265
Sympathomimetic appetite suppressants stimulate the central nervous system and elevate blood pressure. Side effects of these drugs include dry mouth, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness and lightheadedness, headache, palpitations, and (rarely) increased blood pressure. Tolerance to the effects of medications in this class usually develops within a few weeks and rebound weight gain may occur after discontinued use of the medication.
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1151
"Fen Phen"
When taken on an empty stomach, this essential amino acid can increase the concentration of a messenger in the brain called noradrenaline. Phenylalanine works as an appetite suppressant in two ways.
Everything You Need To Know About Fat Loss by Club Creavalle Inc, page 139
Phenylalanine and tyrosine …Some doctors also recommend these amino acids for appetite control. Phenylalanine may trigger the release of an appetite-suppressing hormone in the gut called cholecystokinin. …
Mind Boosters by Dr Ray Sahelia MD, page 142
The combined use of fenfluramine and phentermine for weight loss is a classic illustration of an unexpected deadly drug interaction. These drugs rapidly became known as the famous "Fen-Phen" combination that gained great popularity as a weight-loss program in the mid-1990s… (The FDA approved the prescription appetite suppressant phentermine for single-drug, short-term—"a few weeks"— treatment for obesity in 1959. And in 1973 the FDA also approved fenfluramine as a single drug, with short-term use as a prescription appetite suppressant.);
Death By Prescription by Ray D Strand, page 103
As of this writing, "Fen Phen," the combination diet pill, has been recalled by its manufacturer because of reports of serious side effects among its users, such as potentially fatal heart valve problems.
Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 192
Ephedra, also known as ma-huang, has become a popular ingredient in natural weight-reducing formulas. … It also has a mild appetite suppressant action, according to Dr. Birdsall.The effects of ephedrine can be enhanced by caffeine, theophylline (a white, crystalline alkaloid derived from tea), and aspirin…
Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 835
"Natural compounds that may serve as appetite suppressants"
GUARANA (Paulliniacupana, sorbilis) South American berry orrootfromBrazil and Uruguay with 4-6% caffeine-like alkaloid Guaranine; anti-fatigue stimulant; for mental alertness, quickperception; stamina, natural energy, and endurance; 1 tsp. anti-headache; an appetite suppressant.
Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 100
GUAR GUM • Used in emulsions, toothpastes, lotions, and creams. …. Employed also as a bulk laxative, appetite suppressant, and to Ixeat peptic ulcers. A stabilizers in foods and beverages. No known toxicity.
Cosmetic Ingredients by Ruth Winter, page 229
Enrich's appetite control with Guar Gum Fiber, Senna, Buckthorn, Althea, Peppermint, UvaUrei,Rosehips,Stevia,Orangepeel,Chaparral,Honeysuckle,andChrysanthemum.
Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 10
Guarana has been shown to stimulate the migration of lipids so fat can be burned as energy. It is also an appetite suppressant.
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1145
Recently introduced to the West, garcinia has been used for centuries by Ayurvedic healers as a digestive aid and a natural appetite suppressant.
Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 78
Hydrocitric acid (HCA), also called garcinia, is a natural appetite suppressant and thermogenic agent that slows down the production of fat from the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. HCA enhances the ability of the liver and muscles to store glycogen, thereby reducing fat production and diminishing appetite. Animal studies have shown that HCA can suppress fat production by 40 to 80 percent for 8 to 12 hours after eating. Human studies have also confirmed that people eat less and store less body fat after taking HCA.
Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 193
… so-called herbal Fen Phen, a combination of a thermogenic enhancer (such as the herb ephedra) and the antidepressant Saint John's wort. It makes sense that these herbs would be helpful for losing weight. We know that ephedra can speed up metabolism, which helps the body burn fat faster. In addition, Saint John's wort is reputed to be a natural appetite suppressant. As yet, there are no studies to confirm that these herbs will work well together.
Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 192
Jerusalem Artichokes and Dahlia roots have a natural fructose polymer Inulin that prolongs Carbohydrate metabolism, for appetite control; eat 1 per day alternating between raw and cooked; or use the juice, not the peel.
Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 40
A more direct route to appetite suppression is applying to the tongue substances that inhibit its ability to taste foods. The theory is that people who can't taste their food will be less inclined to overindulge. Studies confirm this effect, to a degree. Even so, this approach remains a relatively unpopular one for the obvious reason that few people want to forgo for long the sensual pleasures of eating. The local anesthetic benzocaine is included in conventional OTC gums and lozenges that numb the tongue to inhibit taste. Topical application of a natural herb discussed below, gymnema, seems to block principally the taste buds responsible for the taste of sweetness.
Off The Shelf Natural Health How To Use Herbs And Nutrients To Stay Well By Mark Mayell, page 361
"Curbing your diet with supplements"
Take moderate predigested Free Form Amino acids (Proteins) to burn off Fat deposits, and feel satiated. L-Phenylalanine for hormone CCK release suppresses appetite; with L-Tyrosine causes production of Norepinephrine appetite suppressant that works neurologically to reduce hunger pangs; with hormone CCK creates a physiological feeling of fullness.
Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 10
Most people will lose weight by taking only two standardized avocado extract tablets a day, while those who want to significantly reduce calorie intake may take two tablets, two or three times a day. The amount of avocado extract consumed will be highly individualistic, mostly dictated by how long the appetite suppressing effects remain. Some people will take more avocado tablets when hunger returns or avoid them to enjoy a sensible meal.
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1137
… Furthermore, one physician friend of mine told me HCA has fairly decent appetite suppressing effects when used in high enough doses. He recommends up to 1500 mg before each meal. In his opinion, smaller amounts are ineffective One natural appetite suppressant I do recommend is 5-hydroxy-tryptophan (5-HTP), which cuts cravings, particularly for carbohydrates, by balancing serotonin levels. …However, the problem with any appetite suppressant—natural or prescription—is that once you stop taking it, your appetite returns, often with a vengeance. ...
Reversing Diabetes by Julian Whitaker MD, page 202
If you're looking for appetite suppression, don't forget the less glamorous herbs that provide fiber. Psyllium can help you eat fewer calories and still feel full.
The Herbal Drugstore by Linda B White MD, page 448
Forget diet pills and appetite suppressants. Psyllium, a seed high in fiber, helps create the sensation of fullness while slowing the digestion of carbohydrates. One teaspoon of powdered psyllium seed (found in health food stores) mixed into eight ounces of water may be consumed once a day. But use this remedy with caution: Too much psyllium can interfere with your digestive system.
Uncommon Cures for Everyday
… Khat … is a small shrub whose leaves are commonly chewed fresh by the elderly for a variety of diseases associated with old age. …. In Europe, some companies use it for appetite suppression in weight-loss products.
The Way Of Herbs by Michael Tierra, page 114
… Whether it is called cha de bugre or porangaba, it will probably long be sold as a natural weight-loss aid in Rio and throughout Brazil. It is a great appetite suppressant—but rather than cutting off appetite all together (then causing intense hunger when it wears off at the wrong time) it gives one a sense of being full and satiated after eating only a few bites of food. This seems to promote much smaller meals, more often, which is what many practitioners believe is better for sustained weight loss and keeping the metabolism going throughout the
The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor, page 229
… Damiana also has been used in combination with other plants for its thermogenic activity.11 Two U.S. patents have been filed on oral appetite suppressants containing damiana, citing its inclusion as an anti-anxiety and thermogenic substance.
The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor, page 26
Does spirulina have anything else to offer? The vitamins and minerals it contains are easily obtained from other, more economical food sources. What about its effectiveness as an appetite suppressant? Any digestible carbohydrate-containing food will cause an increase in blood sugar and a corresponding reduction in hunger.
The Honest Herbal by Varro E Tyler PhD, page 301
"The most powerful appetite suppressant is a healthy diet."
Recall, protein has a "dragging" effect on insulin which favors lower insulin levels. This not only effects fat burning in a positive light, but lower insulin also translates into appetite control because spiking insulin is a potent appetite stimulant.
Everything You Need To Know About Fat Loss by Club Creavalle Inc, page 137
protein-rich foods as cottage cheese, soy products, almonds, dry skim milk, and many more, can aid in appetite control (while nourishing the brain) if taken one hour before meals with juice or water.
Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century by Earl Mindell, page 137 comments by the editors of Bottom Line Health, page 46
…. In fact, carbohydrates are natural appetite suppressants, because gram for gram, those carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index are the most filling and prevent hunger pangs for longer periods of time.
Glucose Revolution by Thomas Wolever MD PhD, page 1
You're less likely to overeat low G.I. carbohydrates, because they're bulky and filling. Consider them natural appetite suppressants!
Glucose Revolution by Thomas Wolever MD PhD, page 85
For appetite control, raw celery can be eaten between and during meals …
Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford, page 500
Remember, too, that fiber, for the most part, does not contribute calories. Also, that it helps you feel full and encourages appetite control because it absorbs fluid, expanding and creating the satisfied feeling the dieter craves.
Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Gary Null, page 141
Because of its concentration, whole-leaf stevia concentrate appears to be the most effective form of stevia for appetite suppression. People have reported that taking stevia drops fifteen to twenty minutes before a meal decreases their hunger sensations, helping them to eat less.
Miracle Of Stevia by James A May, page 67
"Brain chemicals and appetite control"
Tryptophan is the precursor to serotonin, … It can act as an appetite control; it decreases the desire for carbohydrates. Vitamin C, B6, and B3 are necessary to convert tryptophan to serotonin.
Feed Your Body Right by Lendon H Smith MD, page 217
… Another neurotrans-mitter called enterostatin also interacts with galanin as a shutoff switch for fat cravings. Inject this neurotransmitter into the brains of animals, and they lose their desire for fatty foods. Researchers suspect the balance between enterostatin, the endorphins, galanin, and possibly serotonin is critical for appetite control. ...
Food & Mood by Elizabeth Somer MA RD, page 74
"Exercise is also an appetite suppressant"
"Running increases your metabolism," says Dr. Hamner. "The longer you rev your engine, the more running acts like a mild appetite suppressant. For some people, running can change their food cravings. They find themselves craving carbohydrates like pasta instead of red meat."
Here's a general rule: Knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do. Similarly, before you learn how to really control your appetite and weight, you need to learn what doesn't work so that you can avoid it. If you wanted to, you could decide to become a methamphetamine addict and yes, you would lose weight. But you would also lose many other things, like your teeth, your money and your dignity. But still, weight loss would definitely occur.
Of course, the above was an extreme example, but not all misguided methods of weight loss are as obvious. After the FDA banned amphetamines as appetite suppressants, diet pill manufacturers started producing pills containing caffeine, ephedrine and phenyl-propanolamine in one huge triple dose. When combined together, these three substances "produce effects and dangers very similar to those of amphetamines," according to Stephen Cherniske in Caffeine Blues. In other words, the manufacturers found a way to give consumers amphetamine-like diet pills while circumventing the FDA's prohibition. In 1982, the FDA realized what was happening and banned the triple combination of these substances as well.
More recent appetite suppressant fads include the combination of fenfluramine and phentermine (Fen Phen) and ephedrine (Ephedra). In 1997, the Mayo Clinic reported that Fen Phen caused heart valve disease in 24 people, sparking lawsuits and widespread media coverage. To many people, "Fen Phen" has now become synonymous with "dangerous." However, Ephedra is still a hot topic in the media and legal system. The FDA has been steadfast in its ban of Ephedra in spite of a federal judge's decision to strike down the ban.
The FDA's decision probably has more to do with its mission to discredit herbal drugs in favor of more dangerous – yet profitable – prescription medicines than with any earnest desire to keep the public safe, according Mike Adams. You can read about the FDA's real war against Ephedra in both a brief article by the Health Ranger and the Health Ranger's discussion of the FDA's policies on Ephedra versus Sudafed.
So is Ephedra safe? It has been linked to 155 deaths in the United States. But remember also that prescription drugs are linked to 100,000 deaths and 2.2 million injuries per year. Ephedrine, meanwhile, has been safely used around the world for thousands of years. Ephedra certainly seems a lot safer than legal prescription drugs.
Alternative medicine guides list many natural compounds that may serve as appetite suppressants. Among these compounds are guar gum, St John's wort (also an antidepressant), garcinia, Jerusalem Artichokes and Dahlia roots. The most powerful appetite suppressant, however, is a healthy diet. A healthy diet should include vegetable-based proteins. Proteins lower insulin levels, according to Everything You Need to Know about Fat Loss. Lower insulin levels mean more appetite control (spiking insulin initiates hunger pangs).
A healthy diet also should contain carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, according to Dr. Thomas Wolever in The Glucose Revolution. These carbs "fill you up" and make you less likely to overeat. In fact, Dr. Wolever writes, "Consider them natural appetite suppressants!"
If you want to know exactly which foods naturally suppress your appetite, all the information you need is right here on NaturalNews. Be sure to read the Health Ranger's article Five appetite control foods that suppress cravings without adding calories. Just like these natural appetite suppressants, your weight loss goals and desired body image are more accessible than you might think.
The experts speak on appetite control:
At nineteen Liz … went to a doctor and got diet pills, or amphetamines. These little tablets …made losing weight (and cleaning her apartment) a breeze. These stimulant/appetite suppressants are known now as speed and are illegal. Liz knows why. She lost twenty-five pounds and stayed extremely thin as long as she was on the pills, about five years. But after she got married she decided to go off them because of her emotional reactivity and heart palpitations. In just one year Liz gained fifty pounds. The slender bride had disappeared in a hurry.
Breaking Out Of Food Jail by Jean Antonello RN BSN, page 185
Ecstasy Euphoria-inducing stimulant and hallucinogen. It is a derivative of the amphetamine … Developed in 1913 as an appetite suppressant,. …. The drug increases the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin and blocks its reabsorption in the brain; it also increases the amount of the neurotransmitter dopamine. .
Britannica Encyclopedia Volume One, page 583
"Use of other stimulants for appetite control and their side effects"
After amphetamines were banned, manufacturers started producing a combination of caffeine and related stimulants like ephedrine, together with a popular appetite suppressor found in diet aids known as phenyl-propanolamine (PPA). All of these drugs are adrenal and CNS stimulants, and when combined, they produce effects and dangers very similar to those of amphetamines.6 In 1982, the FDA caught on and banned the triple combination of caffeine, ephedrine, and PPA.
Caffeine Blues By Stephen Cherniske MS, page 262
After all, amphetamines were the original diet pills. Most of today's appetite suppressants are also stimulants. They include the herb-derived combination of caffeine (from coffee) and ephedrine (from Chinese ephedra, or ma huang) …
Anti-Aging Prescriptions by James Duke PhD, page 307
… Instead of providing a "natural choice," there is, in some cases, a wholesale endorsement of caffeine and other CNS stimulants. ..Herbal weight-loss programs, often accompanied by very scientific-looking literature, keep their adherents hyped up on quasi-legal stimulants to produce appetite suppression. When the users decide to stop taking the pills, their appetites return with a vengeance, and the lost pounds are rapidly regained. In the meantime, their health may suffer tremendously.
Caffeine Blues By Stephen Cherniske MS, page 265
Sympathomimetic appetite suppressants stimulate the central nervous system and elevate blood pressure. Side effects of these drugs include dry mouth, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness and lightheadedness, headache, palpitations, and (rarely) increased blood pressure. Tolerance to the effects of medications in this class usually develops within a few weeks and rebound weight gain may occur after discontinued use of the medication.
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1151
"Fen Phen"
When taken on an empty stomach, this essential amino acid can increase the concentration of a messenger in the brain called noradrenaline. Phenylalanine works as an appetite suppressant in two ways.
Everything You Need To Know About Fat Loss by Club Creavalle Inc, page 139
Phenylalanine and tyrosine …Some doctors also recommend these amino acids for appetite control. Phenylalanine may trigger the release of an appetite-suppressing hormone in the gut called cholecystokinin. …
Mind Boosters by Dr Ray Sahelia MD, page 142
The combined use of fenfluramine and phentermine for weight loss is a classic illustration of an unexpected deadly drug interaction. These drugs rapidly became known as the famous "Fen-Phen" combination that gained great popularity as a weight-loss program in the mid-1990s… (The FDA approved the prescription appetite suppressant phentermine for single-drug, short-term—"a few weeks"— treatment for obesity in 1959. And in 1973 the FDA also approved fenfluramine as a single drug, with short-term use as a prescription appetite suppressant.);
Death By Prescription by Ray D Strand, page 103
As of this writing, "Fen Phen," the combination diet pill, has been recalled by its manufacturer because of reports of serious side effects among its users, such as potentially fatal heart valve problems.
Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 192
Ephedra, also known as ma-huang, has become a popular ingredient in natural weight-reducing formulas. … It also has a mild appetite suppressant action, according to Dr. Birdsall.The effects of ephedrine can be enhanced by caffeine, theophylline (a white, crystalline alkaloid derived from tea), and aspirin…
Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 835
"Natural compounds that may serve as appetite suppressants"
GUARANA (Paulliniacupana, sorbilis) South American berry orrootfromBrazil and Uruguay with 4-6% caffeine-like alkaloid Guaranine; anti-fatigue stimulant; for mental alertness, quickperception; stamina, natural energy, and endurance; 1 tsp. anti-headache; an appetite suppressant.
Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 100
GUAR GUM • Used in emulsions, toothpastes, lotions, and creams. …. Employed also as a bulk laxative, appetite suppressant, and to Ixeat peptic ulcers. A stabilizers in foods and beverages. No known toxicity.
Cosmetic Ingredients by Ruth Winter, page 229
Enrich's appetite control with Guar Gum Fiber, Senna, Buckthorn, Althea, Peppermint, UvaUrei,Rosehips,Stevia,Orangepeel,Chaparral,Honeysuckle,andChrysanthemum.
Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 10
Guarana has been shown to stimulate the migration of lipids so fat can be burned as energy. It is also an appetite suppressant.
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1145
Recently introduced to the West, garcinia has been used for centuries by Ayurvedic healers as a digestive aid and a natural appetite suppressant.
Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 78
Hydrocitric acid (HCA), also called garcinia, is a natural appetite suppressant and thermogenic agent that slows down the production of fat from the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. HCA enhances the ability of the liver and muscles to store glycogen, thereby reducing fat production and diminishing appetite. Animal studies have shown that HCA can suppress fat production by 40 to 80 percent for 8 to 12 hours after eating. Human studies have also confirmed that people eat less and store less body fat after taking HCA.
Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 193
… so-called herbal Fen Phen, a combination of a thermogenic enhancer (such as the herb ephedra) and the antidepressant Saint John's wort. It makes sense that these herbs would be helpful for losing weight. We know that ephedra can speed up metabolism, which helps the body burn fat faster. In addition, Saint John's wort is reputed to be a natural appetite suppressant. As yet, there are no studies to confirm that these herbs will work well together.
Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 192
Jerusalem Artichokes and Dahlia roots have a natural fructose polymer Inulin that prolongs Carbohydrate metabolism, for appetite control; eat 1 per day alternating between raw and cooked; or use the juice, not the peel.
Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 40
A more direct route to appetite suppression is applying to the tongue substances that inhibit its ability to taste foods. The theory is that people who can't taste their food will be less inclined to overindulge. Studies confirm this effect, to a degree. Even so, this approach remains a relatively unpopular one for the obvious reason that few people want to forgo for long the sensual pleasures of eating. The local anesthetic benzocaine is included in conventional OTC gums and lozenges that numb the tongue to inhibit taste. Topical application of a natural herb discussed below, gymnema, seems to block principally the taste buds responsible for the taste of sweetness.
Off The Shelf Natural Health How To Use Herbs And Nutrients To Stay Well By Mark Mayell, page 361
"Curbing your diet with supplements"
Take moderate predigested Free Form Amino acids (Proteins) to burn off Fat deposits, and feel satiated. L-Phenylalanine for hormone CCK release suppresses appetite; with L-Tyrosine causes production of Norepinephrine appetite suppressant that works neurologically to reduce hunger pangs; with hormone CCK creates a physiological feeling of fullness.
Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 10
Most people will lose weight by taking only two standardized avocado extract tablets a day, while those who want to significantly reduce calorie intake may take two tablets, two or three times a day. The amount of avocado extract consumed will be highly individualistic, mostly dictated by how long the appetite suppressing effects remain. Some people will take more avocado tablets when hunger returns or avoid them to enjoy a sensible meal.
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1137
… Furthermore, one physician friend of mine told me HCA has fairly decent appetite suppressing effects when used in high enough doses. He recommends up to 1500 mg before each meal. In his opinion, smaller amounts are ineffective One natural appetite suppressant I do recommend is 5-hydroxy-tryptophan (5-HTP), which cuts cravings, particularly for carbohydrates, by balancing serotonin levels. …However, the problem with any appetite suppressant—natural or prescription—is that once you stop taking it, your appetite returns, often with a vengeance. ...
Reversing Diabetes by Julian Whitaker MD, page 202
If you're looking for appetite suppression, don't forget the less glamorous herbs that provide fiber. Psyllium can help you eat fewer calories and still feel full.
The Herbal Drugstore by Linda B White MD, page 448
Forget diet pills and appetite suppressants. Psyllium, a seed high in fiber, helps create the sensation of fullness while slowing the digestion of carbohydrates. One teaspoon of powdered psyllium seed (found in health food stores) mixed into eight ounces of water may be consumed once a day. But use this remedy with caution: Too much psyllium can interfere with your digestive system.
Uncommon Cures for Everyday
… Khat … is a small shrub whose leaves are commonly chewed fresh by the elderly for a variety of diseases associated with old age. …. In Europe, some companies use it for appetite suppression in weight-loss products.
The Way Of Herbs by Michael Tierra, page 114
… Whether it is called cha de bugre or porangaba, it will probably long be sold as a natural weight-loss aid in Rio and throughout Brazil. It is a great appetite suppressant—but rather than cutting off appetite all together (then causing intense hunger when it wears off at the wrong time) it gives one a sense of being full and satiated after eating only a few bites of food. This seems to promote much smaller meals, more often, which is what many practitioners believe is better for sustained weight loss and keeping the metabolism going throughout the
The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor, page 229
… Damiana also has been used in combination with other plants for its thermogenic activity.11 Two U.S. patents have been filed on oral appetite suppressants containing damiana, citing its inclusion as an anti-anxiety and thermogenic substance.
The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor, page 26
Does spirulina have anything else to offer? The vitamins and minerals it contains are easily obtained from other, more economical food sources. What about its effectiveness as an appetite suppressant? Any digestible carbohydrate-containing food will cause an increase in blood sugar and a corresponding reduction in hunger.
The Honest Herbal by Varro E Tyler PhD, page 301
"The most powerful appetite suppressant is a healthy diet."
Recall, protein has a "dragging" effect on insulin which favors lower insulin levels. This not only effects fat burning in a positive light, but lower insulin also translates into appetite control because spiking insulin is a potent appetite stimulant.
Everything You Need To Know About Fat Loss by Club Creavalle Inc, page 137
protein-rich foods as cottage cheese, soy products, almonds, dry skim milk, and many more, can aid in appetite control (while nourishing the brain) if taken one hour before meals with juice or water.
Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century by Earl Mindell, page 137 comments by the editors of Bottom Line Health, page 46
…. In fact, carbohydrates are natural appetite suppressants, because gram for gram, those carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index are the most filling and prevent hunger pangs for longer periods of time.
Glucose Revolution by Thomas Wolever MD PhD, page 1
You're less likely to overeat low G.I. carbohydrates, because they're bulky and filling. Consider them natural appetite suppressants!
Glucose Revolution by Thomas Wolever MD PhD, page 85
For appetite control, raw celery can be eaten between and during meals …
Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford, page 500
Remember, too, that fiber, for the most part, does not contribute calories. Also, that it helps you feel full and encourages appetite control because it absorbs fluid, expanding and creating the satisfied feeling the dieter craves.
Complete Guide Health Nutrition by Gary Null, page 141
Because of its concentration, whole-leaf stevia concentrate appears to be the most effective form of stevia for appetite suppression. People have reported that taking stevia drops fifteen to twenty minutes before a meal decreases their hunger sensations, helping them to eat less.
Miracle Of Stevia by James A May, page 67
"Brain chemicals and appetite control"
Tryptophan is the precursor to serotonin, … It can act as an appetite control; it decreases the desire for carbohydrates. Vitamin C, B6, and B3 are necessary to convert tryptophan to serotonin.
Feed Your Body Right by Lendon H Smith MD, page 217
… Another neurotrans-mitter called enterostatin also interacts with galanin as a shutoff switch for fat cravings. Inject this neurotransmitter into the brains of animals, and they lose their desire for fatty foods. Researchers suspect the balance between enterostatin, the endorphins, galanin, and possibly serotonin is critical for appetite control. ...
Food & Mood by Elizabeth Somer MA RD, page 74
"Exercise is also an appetite suppressant"
"Running increases your metabolism," says Dr. Hamner. "The longer you rev your engine, the more running acts like a mild appetite suppressant. For some people, running can change their food cravings. They find themselves craving carbohydrates like pasta instead of red meat."
Friday, January 22, 2010
Cancer Can Be Cured
Father Romano Zago, a Franciscan Friar and scholar, wrote the book Cancer Can Be Cured to reveal to the world an all natural Brazilian Recipe that contains the juice made from the whole leaf plant of Aloe Arborescens and honey that has been shown to rapidly restore the body's health so it heals itself of all types of cancer. The book tells how it was while administering to the poor in the shantytown of Rio Grande dol Sul , Brazil that he and the provincial Father Arno Reckziegel, witnessed the healing of simple people of cancer who used this recipe. Later, when he had assignments in Israel and Italy where this aloe species grows naturally he continued to see great success in the chronically ill being cured when he recommended they use this recipe. This inspired for him to spend the next 20 years in researching the science behind this aloe species and the publication of that research in this book along with his numerous first hand anecdotes of cancer healing by those using the Brazilian juice recipe.
Chapters include information on how to prepare the recipe using the three ingredients of whole leaf Aloe arborescens juice, honey and a small amount of distillate (1%); how to take the preparation; questions and answers on everything from how to pick the aloe leaves, why each of the three ingredients is important in the recipe, the types of cancer that have been cured using the recipe, other diseases and health problems the recipe has shown to be beneficial in helping the human body solve; the internationalization of the recipe on five continents; anecdotal stories of some body healings; the composition of Aloe; and Aloe and Aids, and how to find a commercial manufacturer who makes the Brazilian immune formula as a dietary supplement.
There has been much publicized scientific research and literature on the synergistic benefits of the 300 phytotherapeutic biochemical and nutrient constituents of Aloe vera to aid the body's defenses to enhance the immune system and protect against diseases. However, this is the first book to reveal the little known potency to be found in the constituents of its cousin plant species of Aloe arborescens. He writes: "Recent studies administered by the Palatinin Salzano Venezia Institute in Italy have discovered that Aloe arborescens is 200% richer in medicinal substances than Aloe vera and contains more than 70% of anti-cancerogenous properties (active ingredients) as opposed to Aloe vera, which contains 40% of these properties."
In the Appendix is another publication by Father Romano Zago on the Scientific Monographic History of Aloe Vera and Aloe Arborescens. It is here the seal of science is placed on Aloe, one of the oldest herbal medicinal plants known to man.
The book features an encyclopedic bibliography of current information on the scientific studies and writings validating the healing and curative properties of Aloe Arborescens. The author shows how numerous articles based on the medical benefits of Aloe have and are continuing to scientifically demonstrate Aloe's therapeutic and anti-tumor potential. A vast but prudent bibliography demonstrating anti-tumor effects of various Aloe components on precancerous and cancerous in vitro cells and on real experimental animal neoplasis is provided in the book. Studies show this action seems to be tied to the acemannan immune-stimulant properties and glycoprotein up to anthraquinone antiviral and citotoxic properties. It is also related to anthraquinone and phenolic antioxidant and free radical effects as well as antioxidant vitamins (beta-carotene, Vitamin C and tocopherols) ending with the role of oligoelements. Some examples of scientific literature on Aloe's phytotherapeutic (plant therapy) potentials are present in the citation of specific bibliographic references. (a) In laboratory experimentation on cancerous and precancerous cells. Research has been done on Aloe's anti-tumor activities. This research has been administered on cultured leukemic human and animal cells and in neuroectodermal cultured cells. The results were very encouraging, in that they demonstrated Aloe's intense cytotoxic inhibition activities in the development of the usual tumor cells. (b) Observations on antitumoral effects on experimental animals. Numerous publications have appeared with respect to Aloe's antitumoral and antimetasis effects on various types of animal-induced tumors. The results showed positive derivatives from Aloe supplementation.
On the back cover of the book readers are instructed on what to look for when they search for a commercial source of the Brazilian recipe in a 16 once bottle that is consumed over a 10 day period.
The book is very compelling, well written, easy to read and offers an enormous potential for reducing cancer risk and cutting cancer death.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
If you are a teenager with Diabetes, read this
How do teenagers keep their diabetes in control? Your attitude towards the disease can play a big part in controlling it. You try to do everything right and you still don’t have control? What do you do? First, you need to relax and stay cool. When you let your emotions run out of control, it makes it even harder to control blood sugar levels. If you slip up, pick up where you left off and start again. Tight control should be keeping your levels under control, but also your emotions as well.
Teens, children or for that matter anyone else, no matter how much we think we know, or how smart we think we are, we will sometimes slip or lie about it, or just plain ignore warning signs. It is important to admit it and ask for help.
Don’t let feelings of fear and feeling overwhelmed control your life. There is help for you, ask you health care provider, talk to your parents, or speak with a counselor at school. Don’t be afraid to ask, they are there to help you.
With help, you can learn to manage your mind and emotions to react differently to the problems you face. Several methods are used to train your mind to not lose control, and therefore lose control of your blood sugar levels. Picture your success at controlling your diabetes. Olympic athletes use "visualization" to help them go for the gold. They picture themselves standing, receiving their medal, and hearing their national anthem play. By picturing it in their mind, it keeps their attitudes positive and helps them achieve the success they have trained for.
How does that translate into everyday living for teens? Think about your day; picture it in your mind, and all that you have to do to keep your diabetes under control. Treat your visions as a video in your mind. Play it all the way through, including the activities you have going on during the day. Did it turn out the way you want it? If not, rewind the video and go back to the portion of the day you lost control. Think about what you can do to change the outcome, or make it better at the end of the video. Making one extra right choice for the day can change the outcome of the video from failure to success. This simple method of preparing for the day and making a videotape of it will help you keep control of your emotions and your diabetes.
Simple exercises such as the visualization technique, learning breathing exercises to stay calm, and recognizing when you are out of control will help you to stay calm. By staying calm, you can control the diabetes instead of the diabetes controlling you. Developing good habits while still in your teens can help you to live healthier, with fewer risks of complications, as you get older.
Teenagers with diabetes need to know the signs that they are spiraling out of control. Recognizing the signs and not being afraid to ask for help is the first step towards a healthier life. A positive attitude can help in controlling blood sugar levels, and dealing with the problems that come with a diagnosis of diabetes. As a teen, you are learning self-control, independence, and how to make smart decisions. One of the smartest decisions you can make is to control your disease, and ask for help when you need it.
Teen’s bodies are changing every day, their emotions can be unpredictable and control is another item that needs to be learned. Controlling your blood sugar level is an important part of living with the disease. The goal is to have blood sugar levels that don’t swing wildly throughout the day. If your levels are nearly the same, then you have control.
Eat healthy, take your insulin, and don’t do anything you know would cause your body harm. By listening to your health care team and your parents, you will stay in control and have the right attitude to living with this disease.
How do teenagers keep their diabetes in control? Your attitude towards the disease can play a big part in controlling it. You try to do everything right and you still don’t have control? What do you do? First, you need to relax and stay cool. When you let your emotions run out of control, it makes it even harder to control blood sugar levels. If you slip up, pick up where you left off and start again. Tight control should be keeping your levels under control, but also your emotions as well.
Eat a good healthy diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables are important and eating lean protein, and little fat. It is hard to eat healthy when you have a busy life of a teenager, but it is possible. Exercise as much as you can. You can still take part in organized sports as long as you are keeping your sugar levels under control, and exercise help keep control of your attitudes and emotions. Listening to your parents, your doctor, and your body will help keep you healthy and more in control of your disease. You make the choices that will either help you stay healthy or lose control and put you in danger.
Fear can help you lose control, both of your disease and your attitude. Don’t let fear control you! Fear is the most common reaction to a diagnosis of diabetes, but it doesn’t need to paralyze you. Many successful people deal with diabetes and still have a happy and successful life. Fear will give you an adrenalin rush. You can use that rush to accomplish what you want, or give in to fear and it will bring out a negative response.
The new technology being developed is helping teenagers and adults control their diabetes. Glucose monitors and insulin pumps are just two of the newest developments diabetics are using to control their blood sugar levels. They also decrease the risks of serious complications.
Cirrhosis of the Liver - Care Plan
Cirrhosis of the liver is often associated with alcoholism however it also occurs in individuals who never drink. Chronic alcoholics may exhibit cirrhosis due to repeated damage of the liver by the alcohol. The precise cause is unknown, however the link between alcohol and cirrhosis is well documented. Other possible causes include poor nutrition, especifically a deficiency of vitamin B, genetic deficiencies, long standing obstruction of the common duct that drains the bile, extended periods of exposure to drugs and other toxic chemicals, such as carbon tetrachloride. Cirrhosis is more common among men between the ages of 40 and 60.
Drinking without moderation, in most cases will cause some liver damage, but it may not necessarily cause cirrhosis. Cirrhosis of the liver is very slow and gradual in its development. Very often it is well advanced before its symptoms are noticeable enoufh to cause alarm.
There are two general types of cirrhosis of the liver. The most common type is known as Portal cirrhosis, in which there is obstruction to the portal vein, resulting in dropsy of the abdomen. It occurs in middle-aged individuals. The liver is usually shrunken and its surface may be rough. In the second type, known as Biliary cirrhosis,which occurs in young people, there has been a previous inflammation of the liver tissue, the small bile ducts are obstructed by stones and the liver is enlarged and smooth.
A good nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Below is a general guideline for a sound cirrhosis care plan:
blue-arrow-06_R The cirrhosis diet plan should be adequate and varied, and should not include meat, uncooked shellfish, tea, coffee and spices. A sound cirrhosis diet plan requieres high calorie diets, rich in proteins and carbohydrates, plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, milk and spices which may promote regeneration among cells in the intact portion of the liver. Check with your doctor for the best cirrhosis diet plan since too much or too little protein in your diet plan may slow the regeneration of the cells or have adverse results.
blue-arrow-06_RRegulate fluid intake but keep the bowels active. Epsom salts may help with this.
blue-arrow-06_R Resting in bed is recommended mos of the time.
blue-arrow-06_R If fluid collects in the abdominal cavity, contact your doctor to remove it.
blue-arrow-06_R If the cause of your cirrhosis is alcohol, you must stop drinking immediately. If you don't stop drinking, you have less than 40% chance of living more than five years. But if you stop drinking, you increase your chances to about 70%.
Diagnosis. A physical examination along with the patient's history may be enough to diagnose a case of cirrhosis. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor may order some tests. Results of chemical tests for cirrhosis of the liver reveal the presence of liver damage, the presence of increased bile pigment in the blood stream. Diagnosis is made most definitive by liver biopsy or tissue sample. In this procedure, a needle is inserted into the liver and a small fragment of liver is drawn up to be examined under the microscope.
Drinking without moderation, in most cases will cause some liver damage, but it may not necessarily cause cirrhosis. Cirrhosis of the liver is very slow and gradual in its development. Very often it is well advanced before its symptoms are noticeable enoufh to cause alarm.
There are two general types of cirrhosis of the liver. The most common type is known as Portal cirrhosis, in which there is obstruction to the portal vein, resulting in dropsy of the abdomen. It occurs in middle-aged individuals. The liver is usually shrunken and its surface may be rough. In the second type, known as Biliary cirrhosis,which occurs in young people, there has been a previous inflammation of the liver tissue, the small bile ducts are obstructed by stones and the liver is enlarged and smooth.
A good nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. Below is a general guideline for a sound cirrhosis care plan:
blue-arrow-06_R The cirrhosis diet plan should be adequate and varied, and should not include meat, uncooked shellfish, tea, coffee and spices. A sound cirrhosis diet plan requieres high calorie diets, rich in proteins and carbohydrates, plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, milk and spices which may promote regeneration among cells in the intact portion of the liver. Check with your doctor for the best cirrhosis diet plan since too much or too little protein in your diet plan may slow the regeneration of the cells or have adverse results.
blue-arrow-06_RRegulate fluid intake but keep the bowels active. Epsom salts may help with this.
blue-arrow-06_R Resting in bed is recommended mos of the time.
blue-arrow-06_R If fluid collects in the abdominal cavity, contact your doctor to remove it.
blue-arrow-06_R If the cause of your cirrhosis is alcohol, you must stop drinking immediately. If you don't stop drinking, you have less than 40% chance of living more than five years. But if you stop drinking, you increase your chances to about 70%.
Diagnosis. A physical examination along with the patient's history may be enough to diagnose a case of cirrhosis. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor may order some tests. Results of chemical tests for cirrhosis of the liver reveal the presence of liver damage, the presence of increased bile pigment in the blood stream. Diagnosis is made most definitive by liver biopsy or tissue sample. In this procedure, a needle is inserted into the liver and a small fragment of liver is drawn up to be examined under the microscope.
Acai Berry for Weight Loss & Health
Harvested by Brazilians for hundreds of years as a food staple and for their rejuvenating and detoxifying properties, Acai berries (fruit of Amazonian Acai Palms) have been all over the media, from articles in fitness magazines to features on popular television programs like Oprah and the Today show, and thousands of people all over the world say that Acai berry products help them live a healthier life that is full of energy and vitality. But we’ve taken Acai Berry one step further.
By combining Acai extract with a combination of nutrients that help with weight-loss, increasing energy levels, skin antioxidant that helps promote healthier looking skin.
90 Day Money Back Guarantee Return Policy
We take great pride in the superior quality of our products and want you to be pleased with your purchase. We believe in offering the very best value, quality and selection to our customers. You may return any unused and unopened item purchased from us for any reason within Ninety (90) days of your purchase.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Super Slim Pomegranate Super Slim Pomegranate
Price: $6.75
Product Description
Super Slim is a revolutionary weight loss product made popular worldwide. Package includes 30 capsules. PACKAGES WITH SILVER ON BOTH SIDES ARE FAKE! The authentic capsules are are packaged with green foil on one side and silver on the other. Beware of sellers that lie to you about all silver packaging. The fake all silver packaging is not effective, so don't waste your money.
Product Details
* Amazon Sales Rank: #22 in Health and Beauty
* Brand: Super Slim
* Model: SS001
* Dimensions: 7.00" h x 1.50" w x 4.00" l, .19 pounds
* Super slim pomegranate
* Diet, Reduce weight of waist, thighs and legs and buttocks
* Special formulation for decreasing and burning out fat
* Natural plant essences, accelerate metabolism
* Made in China
Customer Reviews
Warning: This contains Sibutramine!1
This product contains the drug sibutramine, which can cause hypertension and cardio-vascular problems and thus is prohibited to be used in weight loss products by the FDA. This ingredient has tested positive and product is blacklisted by the Food Safety & Inspection Board of GuangDong province in China. This explains why lots of users have commented on being really thirsty and having a very fast heartbeat or getting nauseated and tired.
As a sidenote, most diet products on the market in china do have sibutramine as a secret ingredient that's not listed on the product, almost surely the product is using it as an appetite surpressant if one experiences the above symptoms while on the pill. Be especially cautious if you see bad grammar in the english instructions or foreign non-chinese characters printed on the product, such as the weird looking characters printed underneath the big chinese characters on the box in the product image above.
If anyone wants to verify the claim and know friends who understand chinese, one can google "gdfs gov cn 37596" and click on the first chinese link which should lead to the site of the GuangDong Food Safety Board, scroll down and there will be a chart, the fifth row is the one referring to this product and the last column indicates it contains sibutramine.
Works great but be aware!4
The good:
I've been on this for going on my 3rd week now and have lost between 10 and 15 lbs. I dont have a scale at home so it's hard to judge for me. Going by clothes fit and just the mirror.
I have 3 other friends that are also on this and all are experiencing about a pound loss per day which is pretty darn amazing.
The Warning:
I strongly suspect that this is not an all-natural product. Yes, the herbs promoted in the description do produce similar effects. I've studied herbal medicine for many years now, but after taking this for a while now I strongly suspect there is something more potent at work. After a bit or research I'm guessing that the drug sibutramine is an undisclosed ingredient. [...]
This is a 100% legal drug in the US, but it requires prescription. It's primary use is as an appetite suppressant. And suppress it does! I'm easily eating 1/2 to 1/3 of what i was eating previously with little or no desire to eat more. The appetite suppression in these pills is truly exceptional.
There are side effects though, the most obvious is dry mouth and hyperactivity. It doesn't "wire me up" to the point where I want to go out and run a marathon but you certainly do have energy available that wasn't there before. The dry mouth is the most noticeable side effect for me and those I know taking it. I've been at work for about 6 hours now and I'm just about to polish off a gallon of water. That's not a bad thing in and of itself. Drinking large quantities of water is very good for you anyway. Having a push to do it isn't a bad thing at all.
The first day or two I notice a blood pressure spike. Initially it was to the point that I thought I was going to have to stop taking them. I'm hypertensive anyway so I know what it feels like for my pressure to go up. I also take organic Hawthorne to control my normal hypertension and this seems to be helping the blood pressure situation here as well.
Other reported side effects to sibutramine are racing heart, dizzyness, problems sleeping, nausea, upset stomach, constipation, headache, flushing, joint/muscle pain, etc. I have not experienced any of these myself, but 1 friend reports mild constipation.
That being said, be aware of what you're taking and aware of the potential side effects. I'm still taking these and will likely continue taking them. Next time i'm in my Dr's office i may talk to her about switching me to sibutramine instead of this just so I know i'm on a controlled dose.
Shipping was fast and the vendor contacted me after I got the shipment to make sure everything was ok. Overall I'm very happy with it. Side effects for me are very manageable and I'm certainly not going to argue with a pound per day average loss.
Product Description
Super Slim is a revolutionary weight loss product made popular worldwide. Package includes 30 capsules. PACKAGES WITH SILVER ON BOTH SIDES ARE FAKE! The authentic capsules are are packaged with green foil on one side and silver on the other. Beware of sellers that lie to you about all silver packaging. The fake all silver packaging is not effective, so don't waste your money.
Product Details
* Amazon Sales Rank: #22 in Health and Beauty
* Brand: Super Slim
* Model: SS001
* Dimensions: 7.00" h x 1.50" w x 4.00" l, .19 pounds
* Super slim pomegranate
* Diet, Reduce weight of waist, thighs and legs and buttocks
* Special formulation for decreasing and burning out fat
* Natural plant essences, accelerate metabolism
* Made in China
Customer Reviews
Warning: This contains Sibutramine!1
This product contains the drug sibutramine, which can cause hypertension and cardio-vascular problems and thus is prohibited to be used in weight loss products by the FDA. This ingredient has tested positive and product is blacklisted by the Food Safety & Inspection Board of GuangDong province in China. This explains why lots of users have commented on being really thirsty and having a very fast heartbeat or getting nauseated and tired.
As a sidenote, most diet products on the market in china do have sibutramine as a secret ingredient that's not listed on the product, almost surely the product is using it as an appetite surpressant if one experiences the above symptoms while on the pill. Be especially cautious if you see bad grammar in the english instructions or foreign non-chinese characters printed on the product, such as the weird looking characters printed underneath the big chinese characters on the box in the product image above.
If anyone wants to verify the claim and know friends who understand chinese, one can google "gdfs gov cn 37596" and click on the first chinese link which should lead to the site of the GuangDong Food Safety Board, scroll down and there will be a chart, the fifth row is the one referring to this product and the last column indicates it contains sibutramine.
Works great but be aware!4
The good:
I've been on this for going on my 3rd week now and have lost between 10 and 15 lbs. I dont have a scale at home so it's hard to judge for me. Going by clothes fit and just the mirror.
I have 3 other friends that are also on this and all are experiencing about a pound loss per day which is pretty darn amazing.
The Warning:
I strongly suspect that this is not an all-natural product. Yes, the herbs promoted in the description do produce similar effects. I've studied herbal medicine for many years now, but after taking this for a while now I strongly suspect there is something more potent at work. After a bit or research I'm guessing that the drug sibutramine is an undisclosed ingredient. [...]
This is a 100% legal drug in the US, but it requires prescription. It's primary use is as an appetite suppressant. And suppress it does! I'm easily eating 1/2 to 1/3 of what i was eating previously with little or no desire to eat more. The appetite suppression in these pills is truly exceptional.
There are side effects though, the most obvious is dry mouth and hyperactivity. It doesn't "wire me up" to the point where I want to go out and run a marathon but you certainly do have energy available that wasn't there before. The dry mouth is the most noticeable side effect for me and those I know taking it. I've been at work for about 6 hours now and I'm just about to polish off a gallon of water. That's not a bad thing in and of itself. Drinking large quantities of water is very good for you anyway. Having a push to do it isn't a bad thing at all.
The first day or two I notice a blood pressure spike. Initially it was to the point that I thought I was going to have to stop taking them. I'm hypertensive anyway so I know what it feels like for my pressure to go up. I also take organic Hawthorne to control my normal hypertension and this seems to be helping the blood pressure situation here as well.
Other reported side effects to sibutramine are racing heart, dizzyness, problems sleeping, nausea, upset stomach, constipation, headache, flushing, joint/muscle pain, etc. I have not experienced any of these myself, but 1 friend reports mild constipation.
That being said, be aware of what you're taking and aware of the potential side effects. I'm still taking these and will likely continue taking them. Next time i'm in my Dr's office i may talk to her about switching me to sibutramine instead of this just so I know i'm on a controlled dose.
Shipping was fast and the vendor contacted me after I got the shipment to make sure everything was ok. Overall I'm very happy with it. Side effects for me are very manageable and I'm certainly not going to argue with a pound per day average loss.
Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, a neurologic disease characterized by a progressive loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with normal activities of daily living, lasting at least six months, and not present from birth. AD usually occurs in old age and is marked by a decline in cognitive functions such as remembering, reasoning, and planning.
A person with AD usually has a gradual decline in mental functions, often beginning with slight memory loss, followed by losses in the ability to maintain employment, to plan and execute familiar tasks, and to reason and exercise judgment. Communication ability, mood, and personality may also be affected. Most people who have AD die within eight years of their diagnosis, although that interval may be as short as one year or as long as 20 years. AD is the fourth leading cause of death in adults after heart disease, cancer, and stroke.
In 2001, four million Americans have been diagnosed with AD. That number is expected to grow to as many as 14 million by the middle of the twenty-first century as the baby-boomer population ages. These numbers may be seriously underestimated due to new research that suggests mild cognitive impairment may be early stages of AD.
While a small number of people in their 40s and 50s develop the disease (called early-onset AD), AD predominantly affects the elderly. AD affects about 10% of all people over the age of 65 and nearly half of those over 85. Slightly more women than men are affected with AD, since women tend to live longer and occupy a larger proportion of the most affected age groups.
The costs for caring for loved ones with AD is considerable, and has been estimated at approximately $174,000 per person over the course of the disease. More than 70% of people with AD are cared for at home at an estimated annual cost of $196 billion. These costs are not supplemented by outside sources. If patients are cared for by paid home caregivers or are placed in nursing homes, the total annual out-of-pocket costs by families or third party payees account for $83 billion and $32 billion respectively.
Causes and symptoms
The cause of Alzheimer's disease is unknown. Some strong leads have been found through recent research, however, and these have also given some theoretical support to several new experimental treatments.
AD affects brain cells responsible for learning, reasoning, and memory. Autopsies of people with AD indicate that these regions of the brain become clogged with two abnormal structures, neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Neurofibrillary tangles are twisted masses of protein fibers inside nerve cells (neurons). Senile plaques are composed of parts of neurons surrounding a group of brain proteins called beta-amyloid deposits. While it is not clear exactly how these structures cause problems, some researchers now believe that their formation is responsible for the mental changes of AD, presumably by interfering with the normal communication between neurons in the brain. Drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) increase the level of chemical signaling molecules in the brain, known as neurotransmitters, to make up for this decreased communication ability.
What triggers the formation of plaques and tangles is unknown, although there are several possible candidates. Restriction of blood flow may be part of the problem, perhaps accounting for the beneficial effects of estrogen, which increases blood flow in the brain. However, studies in 2001 do not show estrogen as a protection against the development of AD.
Highly reactive molecular fragments called free radicals damage cells of all kinds, especially brain cells, which have smaller supplies of protective antioxidants thought to protect against free radical damage. Vitamin E is one such antioxidant, and its use in AD is showing some benefit.
Several genes have been implicated in AD, including the gene for amyloid precursor protein (APP) responsible for producing amyloid. Mutations in this gene are linked to some cases of the relatively uncommon early-onset forms of AD. Other cases of early-onset AD are caused by mutations in the gene for another protein, pre-senilin. AD eventually affects nearly everyone with Down syndrome, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. Other mutations on other chromosomes have been linked to other early-onset cases.
Potentially the most important genetic link was discovered in the early 1990s on chromosome 19. A gene on this chromosome, apoE, codes for a protein involved in transporting lipids into neurons. ApoE occurs in at least three forms: apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4. Each person inherits one apoE from each parent, and therefore can either have one copy of two different forms or two copies of one. Compared to those without ApoE4, people with one copy are about three times as likely to develop late-onset AD, and those with two copies are almost four times as likely to do so. Despite this important link, not everyone with apoE4 develops AD, and people without it can still have the disease. Why apoE4 increases the chances of developing AD is not known.
Promising research in 2001 has discovered a protein, apoptosis-inducing factor, that kills cells by disrupting the genetic material at their cores. This discovery could lead to drugs that could turn off this protein that triggers apoptosis or biologically regulated cell death, which is important in fetal development but is also implicated in stroke, heart disease, and AD. It is thought that this protein runs out of control and shuts off otherwise healthy cells.
There are several risk factors that seem to increase a person's likelihood of developing the disease. The most significant one is, of course, age; older people develop AD at much higher rates than younger ones. Another risk factor is having a family history of AD, Down syndrome, or Parkinson's disease. People who have had head trauma or hypothyroidism may manifest the symptoms of AD sooner.
Many environmental factors have been suspected of contributing to AD, but population studies generally have not borne these out. A study in early 2001, however, showed a specific link between aluminum in drinking water and the incidence of AD. Other suspected risk factors were other pollutants in drinking water, aluminum in any form, and mercury in dental fillings. To date, none of these other factors has been shown to cause AD or to increase its likelihood.
Lifestyle factors, moreover, may prove to be better indicators of risk. Lack of stimulation, mentally and physically, between the ages of 20 and 60 seems linked to the incidence of AD. Studies have not shown, though, that a sedentary lifestyle early in life causes AD or whether it is a marker for the incidence of the disease.
Another study of African Americans and their Nigerian counterparts shows AD appearing more often in the American population than the African one. Researchers suggest that environmental or cultural factors may play a role in the formation of AD. Here, physical activity or diet may play a part.
The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease begin gradually, usually with memory lapses. Occasional memory lapses are common to everyone and do not, by themselves, signify any change in cognitive function. The person with AD may begin with only the routine sort of memory lapse-forgetting where the car keys are-but progresses to more profound or disturbing losses such as forgetting how to even drive a car. Being lost or disoriented on a walk around the neighborhood becomes more likely as the disease progresses. A person with AD may forget the names of family members, or forget what was said at the beginning of a sentence by the end of the sentence.
As AD progresses, other symptoms appear, including inability to perform routine tasks, loss of judgment, and personality or behavior changes. Some patients have trouble sleeping and may suffer from confusion or agitation in the evening, known as sunsetting. In some cases, people with AD repeat the same ideas, movements, words, or thoughts, a behavior known as perseveration. There may be delusional thinking or even hallucinations. In the final stages people may have severe problems with eating, communicating, and controlling their bladder and bowel functions.
The Alzheimer's Association has developed a list of 10 warning signs of AD. A person with several of these symptoms should see a physician for a thorough evaluation:
memory loss that affects job skills
difficulty performing familiar tasks
problems with language, as in word-find problems or inappropriate word substitutions
disorientation about time and place
poor or decreased judgment
problems with abstract thinking
misplacing things
changes in mood or behavior
changes in personality
loss of initiative
Other types of dementia, including some that are reversible, can cause similar symptoms. It is important for the person with these symptoms to be evaluated by a professional who can weigh the possibility that the symptoms may have another cause. Approximately 20% of those originally suspected of having AD actually have some other disorder; about half of these cases are treatable.
Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is complex and may require visits to several different specialists over several months before a determination can be made. With new diagnostic tools and criteria, it is possible to make a provisional diagnosis that is about 90% accurate. A positive confirmation of these findings can be made only through autopsy.
Early diagnosis is essential in helping the patient and the family make decisions about treatment, long-term care, and financial matters. Finding out that a loved one's behavior is based on a degenerative mental disease can help a family avoid unnecessary anger and feelings of impotence when dealing with the progression of the disease.
There are two diagnoses the clinical team can make for a patient. They are probable AD or possible AD. Probable AD is determined when physicians and psychiatrists rule out all other disorders that might produce similar symptoms. A diagnosis of possible AD is made when AD is considered the primary reason for the symptoms but is complicated with the presence of another disorder that might confuse the general progression of the disease.
Diagnosis for AD begins with the elimination of other physical and psychological causes for the patient's behavior. This is done through a multi-step process that tests for other disorders and measures the amount of deficit the patient is experiencing.
Patient history
A detailed medical history should be taken, noting a list of the patient's medicines (prescription and over the counter), vitamins, and herbs. Since there are many pharmaceuticals that can cause the same mental changes as AD, a careful review of the patient's medication, alcohol, and herbal use is important. If the patient's symptoms are related to any of these, most likely the condition can be reversed through adjustments in the patient's medications or herbal use. Any illicit drugs should also be reported.
Next, the physician should take a detailed report of any changes in the patient's mental functioning and memory. This will determine the mode of onset of symptoms, the progression of the deficits, and the impact of the impairment on daily functioning.
Physical exam and lab tests
AD-like symptoms can also be provoked by other medical conditions, including tumors, infection, thyroid malfunctioning, and dementia caused by mild strokes (multi-infarct dementia). These possibilities must be ruled out through blood screens, urine tests, electroencephalographs (EEGs), and a variety of imaging techniques.
A genetic test for the ApoE4 gene is available, but is not used for diagnosis, since possessing even two copies does not ensure that a person will develop AD.
Cognitive functioning evaluation
Several types of oral and written tests are used in AD diagnosis and disease progression, including tests of mental status, language ability, functional ability, memory, and concentration. In the early stages of the disease, the results of these tests are usually normal. It should be noted that the widely-used Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) may not be accurate for highly educated or poorly educated individuals, or cultural minorities.
Neuropsychiatric evaluation
A detailed cognitive evaluation can be done by a psychologist or psychiatrist. These tests of memory and mental functioning provide a quantitative measure of the patient's deficits.
One of the most important parts of the diagnostic process is the evaluation of depression and delirium, since these can be present with AD or may be mistaken for it. (Delirium involves a decreased consciousness or awareness of one's environment.) Depression and memory loss are both common in the elderly, and the combination of the two can often be mistaken for AD. Depression can be treated with drugs, although some antidepressants can worsen dementia if it is present, further complicating both diagnosis and treatment.
Imaging studies
Several imaging techniques can assess brain function and pathology, thus eliminating these as causes of the patient's symptoms. Most frequently used imaging scans are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans, which detect structural changes in the brain. Brain function can be assessed through MRI, positron emission tomography (PET), and single-photon emission CT (SPECT). These tests help rule out stroke, subdural hematoma, and brain tumor as possible causes for the patient's symptoms.
Alzheimer's disease is currently incurable, though a number of pharmaceuticals and home care strategies can mange the disease. The mainstay of AD treatment continues to be good nursing care, providing both physical and emotional support, as the patient gradually is able to do less independently and whose behavior becomes more erratic. Modifications of the home to increase safety are often necessary. Creative strategies to help the patient stay as independent as possible are also indicated. The caregiver also needs support to minimize anger, despair, and burnout.
Donepezil hydrochloride (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (Reminyl) have been approved for use in AD treatment. These drugs increase the levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, thereby increasing the communication ability of the remaining neurons. They do this by inhibiting the enzymes, acetylcholinesterase and butylcholinesterase, which normally break down acetylcholine and butylcholine released by neurons. These drugs modestly increase attention span, concentration, mental acuity, and information processing. Tacrine (Cognex), the first drug used, is no longer used due to the risk of liver toxicity. All cholinesterase inhibitors have mild gastric side effects such as nausea and vomiting.
The antioxidant, vitamin E, is also thought to delay AD onset because it prevents neuron damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E therapy, in combination with cholinesterase inhibitors, has become a practice standard in the treatment of AD.
Drugs that have been found ineffective are Selegiline (used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease), prednisone, and the anti-inflammatory NSAID diclofenac. Estrogen, once thought to be the keystone in treatment and prevention of AD in women, was found to be ineffective in mitigating symptoms in 2001. There is still some discussion about estrogen's ability to delay the onset of AD.
Depression may be treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as citalopram and sertraline. Physicians may also prescribe typical antipsychotics for agitation, aggression, or hallucinations, such as olanzapine, quetiapine, or risperidone. It should be noted that AD patients have more side effects from most medications, especially psychoactive drugs, and care should be taken in their selection.
Alternative treatment
Several substances are currently being tested for their ability to slow the progress of Alzheimer's disease. Among them are gingko extract, derived from the leaves of the Gingko biloba tree, and huperzine A, from the moss Huperzia serrata. Gingko extract has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. It has been used for many years in China and is widely prescribed in Europe for treatment of circulatory problems. It has been shown to modestly improve cognitive function. Huperzine A is a natural cholinesterase inhibitor. It is reported to produce greater improvement than the synthetic cholinesterase inhibitors and has few side effects. Since neither herbal is regulated, they may have inconsistent levels of their active ingredients per dosage.
Nursing care and safety
The person with Alzheimer's disease will gradually lose the ability to dress, groom, feed, bathe, or use the toilet without help; in the late stages of the disease, the individual may be unable to move or speak. In addition, the person's behavior becomes increasing erratic. A tendency to wander may make it difficult to leave the patient unattended for even a few minutes, which would make even the home a potentially dangerous place. In addition, some patients may exhibit inappropriate sexual behaviors.
Nursing care required for AD patients is simple enough to learn. The difficulty for many caregivers comes in the constant but unpredictable nature of the demands put on them. Additionally, the personality changes presented in AD can be heartbreaking for family members as a loved one deteriorates, seeming to become a different person. Not all AD patients develop negative behaviors: some become gentle, spending increasing amounts of time in dream-like states.
A loss of grooming skills may be one of the early symptoms of AD. Mismatched clothing, unkempt hair, and decreased interest in personal hygiene become more common. Caregivers, especially spouses, may find these changes socially embarrassing and difficult to cope with. The caregiver will begin to assume more and more grooming duties for the patient as the disease progresses.
Ensuring proper nutrition for the AD patient may require using a colored plate to focus the patient's attention on the food. Finger foods may be preferable to those foods requiring utensils. Later, the caregiver may need to feed the patient. As movement and swallowing become difficult, a feeding tube may be placed into the stomach through the abdominal wall, which will require special attention.
For many caregivers, incontinence becomes the most difficult problem to deal with at home, and is a principal reason for pursuing nursing home care. In the early stages, limiting fluid intake and increasing the frequency of toileting can help. Careful attention to hygiene is important to prevent skin irritation and infection from soiled clothing.
Safety will become of prime importance. In all cases, a person diagnosed with AD should not be allowed to drive, because of the increased potential for accidents and the increased likelihood of wandering far from home while disoriented. In the home, grab bars in the bathroom, bed rails on the bed, and clutter-free passageways can greatly increase safety. Electrical appliances should be unplugged and put away when not in use, and matches, lighters, knives, or weapons should be stored out of reach. The hot water heater temperature should be set lower to prevent accidental scalding. A list of emergency numbers, including the poison control center and the hospital emergency room, should be posted by the phone.
A calm, structured environment with simple orientation aids such as calendars and clocks may reduce anxiety and increase safety. Labeling cabinets and drawers may keep the patient's attention focused. Scheduling meals, bathing, and other activities at regular times and places will provide emotional security and routine, since unfamiliar places and activities can be disorienting for the patient. Sleep disturbances may be minimized by keeping the patient engaged in activities during the day, offering structure and providing physical activities.
Care for the caregiver
Family members or others caring for a person with AD have a difficult and stressful job, which becomes harder still as the disease progresses. It is common for caregivers to develop feelings of anger, resentment, guilt, and hopelessness, in addition to the sorrow they feel for their loved one and for themselves. Depression is an extremely common consequence of being a full-time caregiver for an AD patient. Support groups are an important way to deal with the stress of caregiving. The location and contact numbers for AD caregiver support groups are available from the Alzheimer's Association; they may also be available through a local social service agency, the patient's physician, or pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the drugs used to treat AD. Medical treatment for depression may be an important adjunct to group support.
Outside help, nursing homes, and governmental assistance
Most families eventually need outside help to relieve some of the burden of around-the-clock care for an AD patient. Personal care assistants, either volunteer or paid, may be available through local social service agencies. Adult daycare facilities are becoming increasingly common. Meal delivery, shopping assistance, or respite care may be available as well.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, a neurologic disease characterized by a progressive loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with normal activities of daily living, lasting at least six months, and not present from birth. AD usually occurs in old age and is marked by a decline in cognitive functions such as remembering, reasoning, and planning.
A person with AD usually has a gradual decline in mental functions, often beginning with slight memory loss, followed by losses in the ability to maintain employment, to plan and execute familiar tasks, and to reason and exercise judgment. Communication ability, mood, and personality may also be affected. Most people who have AD die within eight years of their diagnosis, although that interval may be as short as one year or as long as 20 years. AD is the fourth leading cause of death in adults after heart disease, cancer, and stroke.
In 2001, four million Americans have been diagnosed with AD. That number is expected to grow to as many as 14 million by the middle of the twenty-first century as the baby-boomer population ages. These numbers may be seriously underestimated due to new research that suggests mild cognitive impairment may be early stages of AD.
While a small number of people in their 40s and 50s develop the disease (called early-onset AD), AD predominantly affects the elderly. AD affects about 10% of all people over the age of 65 and nearly half of those over 85. Slightly more women than men are affected with AD, since women tend to live longer and occupy a larger proportion of the most affected age groups.
The costs for caring for loved ones with AD is considerable, and has been estimated at approximately $174,000 per person over the course of the disease. More than 70% of people with AD are cared for at home at an estimated annual cost of $196 billion. These costs are not supplemented by outside sources. If patients are cared for by paid home caregivers or are placed in nursing homes, the total annual out-of-pocket costs by families or third party payees account for $83 billion and $32 billion respectively.
Causes and symptoms
The cause of Alzheimer's disease is unknown. Some strong leads have been found through recent research, however, and these have also given some theoretical support to several new experimental treatments.
AD affects brain cells responsible for learning, reasoning, and memory. Autopsies of people with AD indicate that these regions of the brain become clogged with two abnormal structures, neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Neurofibrillary tangles are twisted masses of protein fibers inside nerve cells (neurons). Senile plaques are composed of parts of neurons surrounding a group of brain proteins called beta-amyloid deposits. While it is not clear exactly how these structures cause problems, some researchers now believe that their formation is responsible for the mental changes of AD, presumably by interfering with the normal communication between neurons in the brain. Drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) increase the level of chemical signaling molecules in the brain, known as neurotransmitters, to make up for this decreased communication ability.
What triggers the formation of plaques and tangles is unknown, although there are several possible candidates. Restriction of blood flow may be part of the problem, perhaps accounting for the beneficial effects of estrogen, which increases blood flow in the brain. However, studies in 2001 do not show estrogen as a protection against the development of AD.
Highly reactive molecular fragments called free radicals damage cells of all kinds, especially brain cells, which have smaller supplies of protective antioxidants thought to protect against free radical damage. Vitamin E is one such antioxidant, and its use in AD is showing some benefit.
Several genes have been implicated in AD, including the gene for amyloid precursor protein (APP) responsible for producing amyloid. Mutations in this gene are linked to some cases of the relatively uncommon early-onset forms of AD. Other cases of early-onset AD are caused by mutations in the gene for another protein, pre-senilin. AD eventually affects nearly everyone with Down syndrome, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. Other mutations on other chromosomes have been linked to other early-onset cases.
Potentially the most important genetic link was discovered in the early 1990s on chromosome 19. A gene on this chromosome, apoE, codes for a protein involved in transporting lipids into neurons. ApoE occurs in at least three forms: apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4. Each person inherits one apoE from each parent, and therefore can either have one copy of two different forms or two copies of one. Compared to those without ApoE4, people with one copy are about three times as likely to develop late-onset AD, and those with two copies are almost four times as likely to do so. Despite this important link, not everyone with apoE4 develops AD, and people without it can still have the disease. Why apoE4 increases the chances of developing AD is not known.
Promising research in 2001 has discovered a protein, apoptosis-inducing factor, that kills cells by disrupting the genetic material at their cores. This discovery could lead to drugs that could turn off this protein that triggers apoptosis or biologically regulated cell death, which is important in fetal development but is also implicated in stroke, heart disease, and AD. It is thought that this protein runs out of control and shuts off otherwise healthy cells.
There are several risk factors that seem to increase a person's likelihood of developing the disease. The most significant one is, of course, age; older people develop AD at much higher rates than younger ones. Another risk factor is having a family history of AD, Down syndrome, or Parkinson's disease. People who have had head trauma or hypothyroidism may manifest the symptoms of AD sooner.
Many environmental factors have been suspected of contributing to AD, but population studies generally have not borne these out. A study in early 2001, however, showed a specific link between aluminum in drinking water and the incidence of AD. Other suspected risk factors were other pollutants in drinking water, aluminum in any form, and mercury in dental fillings. To date, none of these other factors has been shown to cause AD or to increase its likelihood.
Lifestyle factors, moreover, may prove to be better indicators of risk. Lack of stimulation, mentally and physically, between the ages of 20 and 60 seems linked to the incidence of AD. Studies have not shown, though, that a sedentary lifestyle early in life causes AD or whether it is a marker for the incidence of the disease.
Another study of African Americans and their Nigerian counterparts shows AD appearing more often in the American population than the African one. Researchers suggest that environmental or cultural factors may play a role in the formation of AD. Here, physical activity or diet may play a part.
The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease begin gradually, usually with memory lapses. Occasional memory lapses are common to everyone and do not, by themselves, signify any change in cognitive function. The person with AD may begin with only the routine sort of memory lapse-forgetting where the car keys are-but progresses to more profound or disturbing losses such as forgetting how to even drive a car. Being lost or disoriented on a walk around the neighborhood becomes more likely as the disease progresses. A person with AD may forget the names of family members, or forget what was said at the beginning of a sentence by the end of the sentence.
As AD progresses, other symptoms appear, including inability to perform routine tasks, loss of judgment, and personality or behavior changes. Some patients have trouble sleeping and may suffer from confusion or agitation in the evening, known as sunsetting. In some cases, people with AD repeat the same ideas, movements, words, or thoughts, a behavior known as perseveration. There may be delusional thinking or even hallucinations. In the final stages people may have severe problems with eating, communicating, and controlling their bladder and bowel functions.
The Alzheimer's Association has developed a list of 10 warning signs of AD. A person with several of these symptoms should see a physician for a thorough evaluation:
memory loss that affects job skills
difficulty performing familiar tasks
problems with language, as in word-find problems or inappropriate word substitutions
disorientation about time and place
poor or decreased judgment
problems with abstract thinking
misplacing things
changes in mood or behavior
changes in personality
loss of initiative
Other types of dementia, including some that are reversible, can cause similar symptoms. It is important for the person with these symptoms to be evaluated by a professional who can weigh the possibility that the symptoms may have another cause. Approximately 20% of those originally suspected of having AD actually have some other disorder; about half of these cases are treatable.
Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is complex and may require visits to several different specialists over several months before a determination can be made. With new diagnostic tools and criteria, it is possible to make a provisional diagnosis that is about 90% accurate. A positive confirmation of these findings can be made only through autopsy.
Early diagnosis is essential in helping the patient and the family make decisions about treatment, long-term care, and financial matters. Finding out that a loved one's behavior is based on a degenerative mental disease can help a family avoid unnecessary anger and feelings of impotence when dealing with the progression of the disease.
There are two diagnoses the clinical team can make for a patient. They are probable AD or possible AD. Probable AD is determined when physicians and psychiatrists rule out all other disorders that might produce similar symptoms. A diagnosis of possible AD is made when AD is considered the primary reason for the symptoms but is complicated with the presence of another disorder that might confuse the general progression of the disease.
Diagnosis for AD begins with the elimination of other physical and psychological causes for the patient's behavior. This is done through a multi-step process that tests for other disorders and measures the amount of deficit the patient is experiencing.
Patient history
A detailed medical history should be taken, noting a list of the patient's medicines (prescription and over the counter), vitamins, and herbs. Since there are many pharmaceuticals that can cause the same mental changes as AD, a careful review of the patient's medication, alcohol, and herbal use is important. If the patient's symptoms are related to any of these, most likely the condition can be reversed through adjustments in the patient's medications or herbal use. Any illicit drugs should also be reported.
Next, the physician should take a detailed report of any changes in the patient's mental functioning and memory. This will determine the mode of onset of symptoms, the progression of the deficits, and the impact of the impairment on daily functioning.
Physical exam and lab tests
AD-like symptoms can also be provoked by other medical conditions, including tumors, infection, thyroid malfunctioning, and dementia caused by mild strokes (multi-infarct dementia). These possibilities must be ruled out through blood screens, urine tests, electroencephalographs (EEGs), and a variety of imaging techniques.
A genetic test for the ApoE4 gene is available, but is not used for diagnosis, since possessing even two copies does not ensure that a person will develop AD.
Cognitive functioning evaluation
Several types of oral and written tests are used in AD diagnosis and disease progression, including tests of mental status, language ability, functional ability, memory, and concentration. In the early stages of the disease, the results of these tests are usually normal. It should be noted that the widely-used Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) may not be accurate for highly educated or poorly educated individuals, or cultural minorities.
Neuropsychiatric evaluation
A detailed cognitive evaluation can be done by a psychologist or psychiatrist. These tests of memory and mental functioning provide a quantitative measure of the patient's deficits.
One of the most important parts of the diagnostic process is the evaluation of depression and delirium, since these can be present with AD or may be mistaken for it. (Delirium involves a decreased consciousness or awareness of one's environment.) Depression and memory loss are both common in the elderly, and the combination of the two can often be mistaken for AD. Depression can be treated with drugs, although some antidepressants can worsen dementia if it is present, further complicating both diagnosis and treatment.
Imaging studies
Several imaging techniques can assess brain function and pathology, thus eliminating these as causes of the patient's symptoms. Most frequently used imaging scans are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans, which detect structural changes in the brain. Brain function can be assessed through MRI, positron emission tomography (PET), and single-photon emission CT (SPECT). These tests help rule out stroke, subdural hematoma, and brain tumor as possible causes for the patient's symptoms.
Alzheimer's disease is currently incurable, though a number of pharmaceuticals and home care strategies can mange the disease. The mainstay of AD treatment continues to be good nursing care, providing both physical and emotional support, as the patient gradually is able to do less independently and whose behavior becomes more erratic. Modifications of the home to increase safety are often necessary. Creative strategies to help the patient stay as independent as possible are also indicated. The caregiver also needs support to minimize anger, despair, and burnout.
Donepezil hydrochloride (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (Reminyl) have been approved for use in AD treatment. These drugs increase the levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, thereby increasing the communication ability of the remaining neurons. They do this by inhibiting the enzymes, acetylcholinesterase and butylcholinesterase, which normally break down acetylcholine and butylcholine released by neurons. These drugs modestly increase attention span, concentration, mental acuity, and information processing. Tacrine (Cognex), the first drug used, is no longer used due to the risk of liver toxicity. All cholinesterase inhibitors have mild gastric side effects such as nausea and vomiting.
The antioxidant, vitamin E, is also thought to delay AD onset because it prevents neuron damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E therapy, in combination with cholinesterase inhibitors, has become a practice standard in the treatment of AD.
Drugs that have been found ineffective are Selegiline (used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease), prednisone, and the anti-inflammatory NSAID diclofenac. Estrogen, once thought to be the keystone in treatment and prevention of AD in women, was found to be ineffective in mitigating symptoms in 2001. There is still some discussion about estrogen's ability to delay the onset of AD.
Depression may be treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as citalopram and sertraline. Physicians may also prescribe typical antipsychotics for agitation, aggression, or hallucinations, such as olanzapine, quetiapine, or risperidone. It should be noted that AD patients have more side effects from most medications, especially psychoactive drugs, and care should be taken in their selection.
Alternative treatment
Several substances are currently being tested for their ability to slow the progress of Alzheimer's disease. Among them are gingko extract, derived from the leaves of the Gingko biloba tree, and huperzine A, from the moss Huperzia serrata. Gingko extract has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. It has been used for many years in China and is widely prescribed in Europe for treatment of circulatory problems. It has been shown to modestly improve cognitive function. Huperzine A is a natural cholinesterase inhibitor. It is reported to produce greater improvement than the synthetic cholinesterase inhibitors and has few side effects. Since neither herbal is regulated, they may have inconsistent levels of their active ingredients per dosage.
Nursing care and safety
The person with Alzheimer's disease will gradually lose the ability to dress, groom, feed, bathe, or use the toilet without help; in the late stages of the disease, the individual may be unable to move or speak. In addition, the person's behavior becomes increasing erratic. A tendency to wander may make it difficult to leave the patient unattended for even a few minutes, which would make even the home a potentially dangerous place. In addition, some patients may exhibit inappropriate sexual behaviors.
Nursing care required for AD patients is simple enough to learn. The difficulty for many caregivers comes in the constant but unpredictable nature of the demands put on them. Additionally, the personality changes presented in AD can be heartbreaking for family members as a loved one deteriorates, seeming to become a different person. Not all AD patients develop negative behaviors: some become gentle, spending increasing amounts of time in dream-like states.
A loss of grooming skills may be one of the early symptoms of AD. Mismatched clothing, unkempt hair, and decreased interest in personal hygiene become more common. Caregivers, especially spouses, may find these changes socially embarrassing and difficult to cope with. The caregiver will begin to assume more and more grooming duties for the patient as the disease progresses.
Ensuring proper nutrition for the AD patient may require using a colored plate to focus the patient's attention on the food. Finger foods may be preferable to those foods requiring utensils. Later, the caregiver may need to feed the patient. As movement and swallowing become difficult, a feeding tube may be placed into the stomach through the abdominal wall, which will require special attention.
For many caregivers, incontinence becomes the most difficult problem to deal with at home, and is a principal reason for pursuing nursing home care. In the early stages, limiting fluid intake and increasing the frequency of toileting can help. Careful attention to hygiene is important to prevent skin irritation and infection from soiled clothing.
Safety will become of prime importance. In all cases, a person diagnosed with AD should not be allowed to drive, because of the increased potential for accidents and the increased likelihood of wandering far from home while disoriented. In the home, grab bars in the bathroom, bed rails on the bed, and clutter-free passageways can greatly increase safety. Electrical appliances should be unplugged and put away when not in use, and matches, lighters, knives, or weapons should be stored out of reach. The hot water heater temperature should be set lower to prevent accidental scalding. A list of emergency numbers, including the poison control center and the hospital emergency room, should be posted by the phone.
A calm, structured environment with simple orientation aids such as calendars and clocks may reduce anxiety and increase safety. Labeling cabinets and drawers may keep the patient's attention focused. Scheduling meals, bathing, and other activities at regular times and places will provide emotional security and routine, since unfamiliar places and activities can be disorienting for the patient. Sleep disturbances may be minimized by keeping the patient engaged in activities during the day, offering structure and providing physical activities.
Care for the caregiver
Family members or others caring for a person with AD have a difficult and stressful job, which becomes harder still as the disease progresses. It is common for caregivers to develop feelings of anger, resentment, guilt, and hopelessness, in addition to the sorrow they feel for their loved one and for themselves. Depression is an extremely common consequence of being a full-time caregiver for an AD patient. Support groups are an important way to deal with the stress of caregiving. The location and contact numbers for AD caregiver support groups are available from the Alzheimer's Association; they may also be available through a local social service agency, the patient's physician, or pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the drugs used to treat AD. Medical treatment for depression may be an important adjunct to group support.
Outside help, nursing homes, and governmental assistance
Most families eventually need outside help to relieve some of the burden of around-the-clock care for an AD patient. Personal care assistants, either volunteer or paid, may be available through local social service agencies. Adult daycare facilities are becoming increasingly common. Meal delivery, shopping assistance, or respite care may be available as well.
Antiulcer drugs
Antiulcer drugs are a class of drugs, exclusive of the antibacterial agents, used to treat ulcers in the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine.
Recurrent gastric and duodenal ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pylori infections, and are treated with combination treatments that incorporate antibiotic therapy with gastric acid suppression. Additionally, bismuth compounds have been used. The primary class of drugs used for gastric acid suppression are the proton pump inhibitors, omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole and rabeprazole. The H2 receptor blocking agents, cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine, and ranitidine have been used for this purpose, but are now more widely used for maintenance therapy after treatment with the proton pump inhibitors. Sucralfate, which acts by forming a protective coating over the ulcerate lesion, is also used in ulcer treatment and may be appropriate for patients in whom other classes of drugs are not indicated, or those whose gastric ulcers are caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) rather than H. pylori infections.
The proton pump inhibitors block the secretion of gastric acid by the gastric parietal cells. The extent of inhibition of acid secretion is dose related. In some cases, gastric acid secretion is completely blocked for over 24 hours on a single dose. In addition to their role in treatment of gastric ulcers, the proton pump inhibitors are used to treat syndromes of excessive acid secretion (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Histamine H2 receptor blockers stop the action of histamine on the gastric parietal cells, inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid. These drugs are less effective than the proton pump inhibitors, but may achieve a 75-79% reduction in acid secretion. Higher rates of acid inhibition may be achieved when the drug is administered by the intravenous route. The H2 receptor blockers may also be used to treat heartburn and hypersecretory syndromes. When given before surgery, the H2 receptor blockers are useful in prevention of aspiration pneumonia.
Sucralfate (Carafate), a substituted sugar molecule with no nutritional value, does not inhibit gastric acid, but rather, reacts with existing stomach acid to form a thick coating that covers the surface of an ulcer, protecting the open area from further damage. A secondary effect is to act as an inhibitor of the digestive enzyme pepsin. Sucralfate does not bind to the normal stomach lining. The drug has been used for prevention of stress ulcers, the type seen in patients exposed to physical stress such as burns and surgery. It has no systemic effects.
Recommended dosage
The doses of the proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor blockers vary depending on the drug and condition being treated. Consult individual references.
The dose of sucralfate for acute ulcer therapy is 1 gram four times a day. After the ulcer has healed, maintenance treatment may continue at 1 gram two times daily.
The proton pump inhibitors are generally well tolerated, and the most common adverse effects are diarrhea, itching, skin rash, dizziness, and headache. Muscle aches and a higher than normal rate of respiratory infections are among the other adverse reactions reported. Omeprazole is classed as pregnancy category C due to an increased rate of fetal deaths in animal studies. The other drugs in this group are pregnancy category B. It is not known if these drugs are excreted in human milk, but because of reported adverse effects to infants in animal studies, it is recommended that proton pump inhibitors not be used by nursing mothers.
The H2 receptor blockers vary widely in their adverse effects. Although they are generally well tolerated, cimetidine may cause confusion in elderly patients, and has an antiandrogenic effect that may cause sexual dysfunction in males. Famotidine has been reported to cause headache in 4.7% of patients. Nizatidine is pregnancy category C, the others are schedule B. It is advisable that mothers not take H2 receptor blockers while nursing.
Sucralfate is well tolerated. It is poorly absorbed, and its most common side effect is constipation in 2% of patients. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastric discomfort, indigestion, flatulence, dry mouth, rash, pruritus (itching), back pain, headache, dizziness, sleepiness, and vertigo have been reported, as well as rare allergic responses. Because sucralfate releases small amounts of aluminum into the system, it should be used with caution in patients with renal insufficiency. Sucralfate is category B in pregnancy. There is no information available about its safety in breastfeeding.
Proton pump inhibitors may increase the pH of the stomach. This will inactivate some antifungal drugs that require an acid medium for effectiveness, notable itraconazole and ketoconazole.
H2 receptor blocking agents have a large number of drug interactions. Consult individualized references.
Sucralfate should not be used with aluminum containing antacids, because of the risk of increased aluminum absorption. Sucralfate may inhibit absorption and reduce blood levels of anticoagulants, digoxin, quinidine, ketoconazole, quinolones, and phenytoin.
Key Terms
AntibioticMedicine used to treat infections.
EnzymeA type of protein, produced in the body, that brings about or speeds up chemical reactions.
Gastrointestinal tractThe stomach, small intestine and large intestine.
HypersecretoryExcessive production of a bodily secretion. The most common hypersecretory syndrome of the stomach is Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, a syndrome consisting of fulminating intractable peptic ulcers, gastric hypersecretion and hyperacidity, and the occurrence of gastrinomas of the pancreatic cells of the islets of Langerhans.
InflammationPain, redness, swelling, and heat that usually develop in response to injury or illness.
MucousThick fluid produced by the moist membranes that line many body cavities and structures.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)A type of medicine used to relieve pain, swelling, and other symptoms of inflammation, such as ibuprofen or ketoprofen.
Pregnancy category A system of classifying drugs according to their established risks for use during pregnancy. Category A: Controlled human studies have demonstrated no fetal risk. Category B: Animal studies indicate no fetal risk, but no human studies; or adverse effects in animals, but not in well-controlled human studies. Category C: No adequate human or animal studies; or adverse fetal effects in animal studies, but no available human data. Category D: Evidence of fetal risk, but benefits outweigh risks. Category X: Evidence of fetal risk. Risks outweigh any benefits.
Antiulcer drugs are a class of drugs, exclusive of the antibacterial agents, used to treat ulcers in the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine.
Recurrent gastric and duodenal ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pylori infections, and are treated with combination treatments that incorporate antibiotic therapy with gastric acid suppression. Additionally, bismuth compounds have been used. The primary class of drugs used for gastric acid suppression are the proton pump inhibitors, omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole and rabeprazole. The H2 receptor blocking agents, cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine, and ranitidine have been used for this purpose, but are now more widely used for maintenance therapy after treatment with the proton pump inhibitors. Sucralfate, which acts by forming a protective coating over the ulcerate lesion, is also used in ulcer treatment and may be appropriate for patients in whom other classes of drugs are not indicated, or those whose gastric ulcers are caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) rather than H. pylori infections.
The proton pump inhibitors block the secretion of gastric acid by the gastric parietal cells. The extent of inhibition of acid secretion is dose related. In some cases, gastric acid secretion is completely blocked for over 24 hours on a single dose. In addition to their role in treatment of gastric ulcers, the proton pump inhibitors are used to treat syndromes of excessive acid secretion (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Histamine H2 receptor blockers stop the action of histamine on the gastric parietal cells, inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid. These drugs are less effective than the proton pump inhibitors, but may achieve a 75-79% reduction in acid secretion. Higher rates of acid inhibition may be achieved when the drug is administered by the intravenous route. The H2 receptor blockers may also be used to treat heartburn and hypersecretory syndromes. When given before surgery, the H2 receptor blockers are useful in prevention of aspiration pneumonia.
Sucralfate (Carafate), a substituted sugar molecule with no nutritional value, does not inhibit gastric acid, but rather, reacts with existing stomach acid to form a thick coating that covers the surface of an ulcer, protecting the open area from further damage. A secondary effect is to act as an inhibitor of the digestive enzyme pepsin. Sucralfate does not bind to the normal stomach lining. The drug has been used for prevention of stress ulcers, the type seen in patients exposed to physical stress such as burns and surgery. It has no systemic effects.
Recommended dosage
The doses of the proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor blockers vary depending on the drug and condition being treated. Consult individual references.
The dose of sucralfate for acute ulcer therapy is 1 gram four times a day. After the ulcer has healed, maintenance treatment may continue at 1 gram two times daily.
The proton pump inhibitors are generally well tolerated, and the most common adverse effects are diarrhea, itching, skin rash, dizziness, and headache. Muscle aches and a higher than normal rate of respiratory infections are among the other adverse reactions reported. Omeprazole is classed as pregnancy category C due to an increased rate of fetal deaths in animal studies. The other drugs in this group are pregnancy category B. It is not known if these drugs are excreted in human milk, but because of reported adverse effects to infants in animal studies, it is recommended that proton pump inhibitors not be used by nursing mothers.
The H2 receptor blockers vary widely in their adverse effects. Although they are generally well tolerated, cimetidine may cause confusion in elderly patients, and has an antiandrogenic effect that may cause sexual dysfunction in males. Famotidine has been reported to cause headache in 4.7% of patients. Nizatidine is pregnancy category C, the others are schedule B. It is advisable that mothers not take H2 receptor blockers while nursing.
Sucralfate is well tolerated. It is poorly absorbed, and its most common side effect is constipation in 2% of patients. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastric discomfort, indigestion, flatulence, dry mouth, rash, pruritus (itching), back pain, headache, dizziness, sleepiness, and vertigo have been reported, as well as rare allergic responses. Because sucralfate releases small amounts of aluminum into the system, it should be used with caution in patients with renal insufficiency. Sucralfate is category B in pregnancy. There is no information available about its safety in breastfeeding.
Proton pump inhibitors may increase the pH of the stomach. This will inactivate some antifungal drugs that require an acid medium for effectiveness, notable itraconazole and ketoconazole.
H2 receptor blocking agents have a large number of drug interactions. Consult individualized references.
Sucralfate should not be used with aluminum containing antacids, because of the risk of increased aluminum absorption. Sucralfate may inhibit absorption and reduce blood levels of anticoagulants, digoxin, quinidine, ketoconazole, quinolones, and phenytoin.
Key Terms
AntibioticMedicine used to treat infections.
EnzymeA type of protein, produced in the body, that brings about or speeds up chemical reactions.
Gastrointestinal tractThe stomach, small intestine and large intestine.
HypersecretoryExcessive production of a bodily secretion. The most common hypersecretory syndrome of the stomach is Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, a syndrome consisting of fulminating intractable peptic ulcers, gastric hypersecretion and hyperacidity, and the occurrence of gastrinomas of the pancreatic cells of the islets of Langerhans.
InflammationPain, redness, swelling, and heat that usually develop in response to injury or illness.
MucousThick fluid produced by the moist membranes that line many body cavities and structures.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)A type of medicine used to relieve pain, swelling, and other symptoms of inflammation, such as ibuprofen or ketoprofen.
Pregnancy category A system of classifying drugs according to their established risks for use during pregnancy. Category A: Controlled human studies have demonstrated no fetal risk. Category B: Animal studies indicate no fetal risk, but no human studies; or adverse effects in animals, but not in well-controlled human studies. Category C: No adequate human or animal studies; or adverse fetal effects in animal studies, but no available human data. Category D: Evidence of fetal risk, but benefits outweigh risks. Category X: Evidence of fetal risk. Risks outweigh any benefits.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Health Article: Cancer Diet Can Help Mesothelioma Patients
Good nutrition plays a crucial role in cancer prevention. Though cancerous mesothelioma is not caused by bad nutrition, improving nutritional with a cancer diet rich in antioxidants can allow asbestosis mesothelioma patients to better fight the cancer, as well as ease symptoms and treat side effects.
Although a few other causes of malignant mesothelioma have been determined, the primary cause is exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was used in a number of military and industrial applications throughout the 20th century. Symptoms don’t usually become noticeable until as long as 50 years after primary exposure. Unfortunately, the cancer is typically diagnosed in later stages when treatment options are limited.
One of the most frequent side effects of mesothelioma and cancer treatment is nausea. There are a number of nutritional changes that can be made to help this problem. Dry foods such as crackers and toast can calm an upset stomach and bland foods help with nausea and acid reflux problems. Dark green leafy vegetables can also be beneficial when treating mesothelioma, because they’re rich with essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that help fight cancer. Dark leafy greens contain antioxidants and phytochemicals, which are powerful enzymes that help clean the body of cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) and block enzymes known to activate carcinogens.
Mesothelioma patients can also benefit from the cancer-fighting nutrients found in berries. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries and loganberries are known to contain cancer-fighting phytonutrients, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, pterostilbene and resveratrol. In fact, extracts of six types of berries were tested in one laboratory study to determine whether they could prevent the growth and proliferation of different types of cancer cells. Each berry type was found to have unique phytonutrient combinations and extracts of all of them killed cancer cells.
Also, garlic produces a chemical called allicin which can be beneficial for mesothelioma patients. Garlic appears to have the greatest affect on stomach cancer and prostate cancer in men, but affects have been noted in all types of cancer and on different carcinogens.
And now really become slimmer..
Do you also have a lot of problems to lose pounds? Or do you have a disproportionate distribution of fat i.e. too much fat around the buttocks and the upper legs?
We have something for you that during the course of many years has proven results. Kevin Trudeau has recommended it in his best selling book "the weight loss cure"! Click here to order your own copy of this book at Amazon!
As long ago as 1954 the English Dr. A.T.W. Simeons found a solution to make the stored body fat circulate again without people having to suffer from hunger or having to exercise too much.
The name of this solution is HCG. HCG is a short form of Human Choriongonadoptric Hormone, a body friendly substance that can be found in the urine of pregnant females
Dr. Simeons discovered that a small quantity of HCG helps to free the fat, to burn it and to evacuate it through the kidneys and that it also suppresses feelings of hunger. Together with a diet of 500kcal this avoids new fat immediately taking the place of the removed fat so this seems the ideal way of losing weight.
Under normal circumstances a 500kcal diet is almost impossible. But through the administration of HCG it becomes possible. The HCG treatment of Dr. Simeons suppresses feelings of hunger so you will feel satisfied with the 500kcal. You can continue your daily activities without feeling weak or tired and without feeling depressed. On the contrary, you will feel strong and energetic.
This really is the fastest contemporary treatment to become slimmer.
5 Tips to Prevent Weight Gain This Holiday Season
The holiday season is always a tough time to stick to your diet. With family and friends gathering and lavish dinners party engagements, who wants to think about dieting? There are still things you can do in order to maintain your progress gained. Even if you are not on a diet, avoiding or reducing the holiday weight gain is possible if you have a clear plan stepping into the holiday season.
I have outlined below 5 tricks you can do to minimize your weight gain or risk sabotaging your progress. They are fairly easy to follow and who knows, you might even shed a couple of pounds.
Fill up before dinner
Arrive at the party with a half-full stomach. I realize that this is contrary to the popular trend of starving yourself before dinner but by doing so, you will be able to carefully pick and choose what goes on your plate. A major reason why people gain weight during the season is because their hunger leads them to indulge in everything in sight. Eat sensibly!
Sodas and alcoholic drinks pack a punch
Calories can add up quickly for every extra glass of wine or can of soda. Sodas are filled with sugar, and for each four ounce glass of wine consumed, you are taking in about 100 calories. Plus those sweet holiday drinks are caloriedense. Instead of telling you to completely eliminate sodas or alcohol, my approach is to drink water throughout the meal thereby reducing your alcohol and soda intake. You will feel fuller faster and less likely to drink that extra glass.
Bring a healthy dish
So what if the party you are attending isn’t a potluck? Bring a healthy dish such as a festive hummus and the hostess will thank you for being so thoughtful. Plus, you’ll have a healthy alternative to enjoy.
Fill your plate, once
Enjoy the good company, enjoy the foods, but fill up your plate only once. Since you’ve already eaten a sensible meal before arriving, this rule will be easier to follow than you think.
Sample the desserts
Although keenly aware that the holiday season is all about sweet treats, my advice is to taste or simply sample the desserts. Look at desserts as something to savor, not to fill up on. Go ahead, taste that cheesecake, your taste buds will thank you and no one will notice the small portion in front of you.
Why wait for 2010 to start being healthy? You can start right away, right in the middle of this food crazy holiday season. Try placing limits on your food intake and progressively work towards better and healthier foods and lifestyle alternatives. It is within reach and a lot more possible than you think. Don’t put it off!
Author Resource:- ~ Tony Clerc, MA, ACE-CPT www.desertplatinumfitness.com Tony Clerc is the owner and founder of Platinum Fitness of the Desert Inc. He provides private personal training to residents of the Palm Springs area. He holds a Master’s degree from Boston University and is a Certified Personal Trainer with the distinguished American Council on Exercise (ACE). Tony tailors effective and result oriented fitness programs to all of his clients. His training methods include a combination of strength and movement training, core, flexibility, balance and coordination training. Tony Clerc can be contacted at tony@desertplatinumfitness.com
I have outlined below 5 tricks you can do to minimize your weight gain or risk sabotaging your progress. They are fairly easy to follow and who knows, you might even shed a couple of pounds.
Fill up before dinner
Arrive at the party with a half-full stomach. I realize that this is contrary to the popular trend of starving yourself before dinner but by doing so, you will be able to carefully pick and choose what goes on your plate. A major reason why people gain weight during the season is because their hunger leads them to indulge in everything in sight. Eat sensibly!
Sodas and alcoholic drinks pack a punch
Calories can add up quickly for every extra glass of wine or can of soda. Sodas are filled with sugar, and for each four ounce glass of wine consumed, you are taking in about 100 calories. Plus those sweet holiday drinks are caloriedense. Instead of telling you to completely eliminate sodas or alcohol, my approach is to drink water throughout the meal thereby reducing your alcohol and soda intake. You will feel fuller faster and less likely to drink that extra glass.
Bring a healthy dish
So what if the party you are attending isn’t a potluck? Bring a healthy dish such as a festive hummus and the hostess will thank you for being so thoughtful. Plus, you’ll have a healthy alternative to enjoy.
Fill your plate, once
Enjoy the good company, enjoy the foods, but fill up your plate only once. Since you’ve already eaten a sensible meal before arriving, this rule will be easier to follow than you think.
Sample the desserts
Although keenly aware that the holiday season is all about sweet treats, my advice is to taste or simply sample the desserts. Look at desserts as something to savor, not to fill up on. Go ahead, taste that cheesecake, your taste buds will thank you and no one will notice the small portion in front of you.
Why wait for 2010 to start being healthy? You can start right away, right in the middle of this food crazy holiday season. Try placing limits on your food intake and progressively work towards better and healthier foods and lifestyle alternatives. It is within reach and a lot more possible than you think. Don’t put it off!
Author Resource:- ~ Tony Clerc, MA, ACE-CPT www.desertplatinumfitness.com Tony Clerc is the owner and founder of Platinum Fitness of the Desert Inc. He provides private personal training to residents of the Palm Springs area. He holds a Master’s degree from Boston University and is a Certified Personal Trainer with the distinguished American Council on Exercise (ACE). Tony tailors effective and result oriented fitness programs to all of his clients. His training methods include a combination of strength and movement training, core, flexibility, balance and coordination training. Tony Clerc can be contacted at tony@desertplatinumfitness.com
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Allergies and asthma
People who have certain kinds of allergies are more likely to have asthma. Do you have allergies that affect your nose and eyes, causing stuff like a runny nose or red, itchy eyes? If so, you're more likely to have asthma, too. Whatever causes the allergic reaction, such as pollen or dust, can also trigger asthma symptoms.
But not everyone who has allergies gets asthma, and not all asthma happens because of allergies. Huh? Allergies and asthma can be a little confusing, so let's find out more.
About 9 million kids in the United States have been diagnosed with asthma. Of these, about three out of four have asthma symptoms that are triggered by an allergy to something (called an allergen). In these people, the symptoms of asthma like wheezing, coughing, or trouble breathing are often brought on by being around allergens.
Allergies have a lot to do with your immune (say: ih-myoon) system. Most of the time your immune system fights germs and bacteria to help you stay healthy. But in a kid with allergies, the immune system treats allergens (such as pollen) as if they're invading the body, like a bad germ.
When the immune system reacts to an invading allergen, the body releases substances that cause allergy symptoms, such as a runny nose or red, itchy eyes. Some kids can also get asthma symptoms, like coughing, wheezing, or a tight feeling in the chest.
If you have asthma, it is a good idea to find out whether allergies may be causing your asthma symptoms. To figure out what they're allergic to, sometimes kids will visit a special doctor called an allergist (say: ah-lur-jist).
If the allergist finds out that you are allergic to certain things, the best way to prevent allergic reactions (and to help stop asthma symptoms from bugging you) is to avoid being around the allergens. The doctor may also prescribe medicine for your allergies, if you can't completely avoid what's causing the
Can Kids With Asthma Play Sports?
You probably know that asthma can cause breathing problems. So can kids with asthma play sports? You bet they can! Being active and playing sports is an especially good idea if you have asthma. Why? Because it can help your lungs get stronger, so they work better.
Some athletes with asthma have done more than develop stronger lungs. They've played professional football and basketball, and they've even won medals at the Olympic Games! Some sports are less likely to bother a person's asthma. Golf and yoga are less likely to trigger flare-ups, and so are sports like baseball, football, and gymnastics.
In some sports, you need to keep going for a long time. These activities may be harder for people with asthma. They include cycling, long-distance running, soccer, basketball, cross-country skiing, and ice hockey. But that doesn't mean you can't play these sports if you really like them. In fact, many athletes with asthma have found that with the right training and medicine, they can do any sport they choose.
But before playing sports, it's important that your asthma is under control. That means you aren't having lots of symptoms or flare-ups. To make this happen, it's very important that you take all asthma medicine just like your doctor tells you to, even when you are feeling OK.
Your doctor will also tell you some other things you can do to avoid flare-ups. This may mean skipping outdoor workouts when there is lots of pollen in the air, wearing a scarf or ski mask when you play outside during the winter, or making sure you always have time for a careful warm up and cool down.
Make sure your coach and teammates know about your asthma. That way, they will understand if you need to stop working out because of breathing trouble. It's also helpful if your coach knows which steps to take if you have a flare-up. Listen to your body and follow the instructions your doctor gave you for handling breathing problems. And if you keep your asthma in good control, you'll be in the game and not on the sidelines!
Taking care of your ear,s
As body parts go, your ears don't ask for much. They don't need to be brushed like your teeth or trimmed like your toenails. All your ears need is to be washed regularly, so wash them with soap and water while you're sudsing up the rest of your body in the bath or shower.
The Facts on Earwax
You might wonder about earwax and whether it needs to be cleaned out. Actually, even though earwax seems yucky, it serves a purpose. Your ear canal makes earwax to protect the ear. After it is produced, it slowly makes its way to the opening of the ear. Then it either falls out or is removed when you wash. If you want, you can clean the opening of your ear gently with a washcloth.
There's an old saying that you shouldn't put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear. Not all old sayings are true, but this one is! You can hurt your ear by poking around in there. It's not even a good idea to use a cotton swab. This can push wax deeper in your ear, where it can get stuck. Irritating the ear canal with a cotton swab can even lead to an ear canal infection.
And definitely don't put anything sharp in your ear because it can cause bleeding or serious damage. If you think you have dirt or too much earwax in your ear, ask your mom or dad to help you clean it out.
Taking Care of Pierced Ears
Pierced ears may look pretty, but you need to take good care of them or things can get ugly! When you first get your ears pierced, leave the earrings in until your ears are completely healed. If you don't, your holes could close up.
You'll also want to prevent infections in your newly pierced ears. Wash your hands before touching your pierced ears. Applying rubbing alcohol also can help keep germs away. With an adult's help, soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and apply it to both sides of the hole (with the earring still in your ear). Then twirl the earring several times to make sure the alcohol gets in and around the earring post.
If you think one of your pierced ears may be infected, tell your mom or dad. An infected earlobe may be swollen, red, warm, and painful, and it may ooze a fluid called pus. Don't wait for it to get better by itself because the infection may spread and make you sick.
Tips for Swimmers
Sometimes, swimming can lead to a case of swimmer's ear. That's when your outer ear gets infected, causing swelling and pain. This happens when water gets stuck in your ear canal. This can irritate the skin, making it easier for bacteria to invade the skin and cause an infection. If you think you have swimmer's ear, your mom or dad needs to call the doctor. Special eardrops can help you get rid of it.
To prevent swimmer's ear, dry your ears after swimming and shake out excess water, especially if you feel it stuck in there. Again, with your parent's help, a few drops of rubbing alcohol can dry out any moisture in there. Drying your ears will keep you — and your ears — in the swim!
Ears, Hot and Cold
Now you know how to keep your ears happy underwater, but what about when it's hot outside? When the sun is beating down, wear a hat or remember to rub some sunscreen on your ears, so they don't get fried. And when winter rolls around, keep them covered up with a hat or headband. Why? Because when it's freezing outside, it's easy for ears to get frostbitten. Brrrr!
The Facts on Earwax
You might wonder about earwax and whether it needs to be cleaned out. Actually, even though earwax seems yucky, it serves a purpose. Your ear canal makes earwax to protect the ear. After it is produced, it slowly makes its way to the opening of the ear. Then it either falls out or is removed when you wash. If you want, you can clean the opening of your ear gently with a washcloth.
There's an old saying that you shouldn't put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear. Not all old sayings are true, but this one is! You can hurt your ear by poking around in there. It's not even a good idea to use a cotton swab. This can push wax deeper in your ear, where it can get stuck. Irritating the ear canal with a cotton swab can even lead to an ear canal infection.
And definitely don't put anything sharp in your ear because it can cause bleeding or serious damage. If you think you have dirt or too much earwax in your ear, ask your mom or dad to help you clean it out.
Taking Care of Pierced Ears
Pierced ears may look pretty, but you need to take good care of them or things can get ugly! When you first get your ears pierced, leave the earrings in until your ears are completely healed. If you don't, your holes could close up.
You'll also want to prevent infections in your newly pierced ears. Wash your hands before touching your pierced ears. Applying rubbing alcohol also can help keep germs away. With an adult's help, soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and apply it to both sides of the hole (with the earring still in your ear). Then twirl the earring several times to make sure the alcohol gets in and around the earring post.
If you think one of your pierced ears may be infected, tell your mom or dad. An infected earlobe may be swollen, red, warm, and painful, and it may ooze a fluid called pus. Don't wait for it to get better by itself because the infection may spread and make you sick.
Tips for Swimmers
Sometimes, swimming can lead to a case of swimmer's ear. That's when your outer ear gets infected, causing swelling and pain. This happens when water gets stuck in your ear canal. This can irritate the skin, making it easier for bacteria to invade the skin and cause an infection. If you think you have swimmer's ear, your mom or dad needs to call the doctor. Special eardrops can help you get rid of it.
To prevent swimmer's ear, dry your ears after swimming and shake out excess water, especially if you feel it stuck in there. Again, with your parent's help, a few drops of rubbing alcohol can dry out any moisture in there. Drying your ears will keep you — and your ears — in the swim!
Ears, Hot and Cold
Now you know how to keep your ears happy underwater, but what about when it's hot outside? When the sun is beating down, wear a hat or remember to rub some sunscreen on your ears, so they don't get fried. And when winter rolls around, keep them covered up with a hat or headband. Why? Because when it's freezing outside, it's easy for ears to get frostbitten. Brrrr!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The HealTalk Alternative Health Directory Health and Wellness Home | Feature Articles | 5 Stretching Exercises To Relieve Back Pain 5 Stretching Ex
From HealTalk.com
Doing some stretching exercises to relieve back pain can help overcome the day-to-day stress that our bodies undergo and the toll that it takes on our backs in particular.
* Introduction
* Low Back Stretch
* Groin Stretch
* Glutes and External Rotator Stretch
* Hamstring Stretch
* Quad Stretch
Depending on our occupation, we are forced to either stand or sit in one place for long periods of time. This poor posture and the constant compression of our spines can bring about not only short-term pain but long term problems. Correcting your posture and doingstretching exercises to relieve back pain will help remedy the situation.
Another problem that people face is on the weekends over compensating for their lack of activity during the week by undergoing rigorous physical activities. While getting exercise is highly recommended and beneficial, it can also cause problems if your body is not ready for the endeavor. This can make your body, in particular your back susceptible to injury. Getting a little bit of exercise during the week can prevent this and also doing stretching exercises to relieve back pain.
Five stretching exercises to relieve back pain that you can do that take only about 15 – 20 minutes a day will help your body recover from the stress we put on our bodies Monday through Friday. For these stretching exercises to relieve back pain you will need an elastic exercise band available at most department stores.
See your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program.
Low Back Stretch
This is accomplished by sitting upright on the floor with your legs together and stretched straight out. Take the exercise band and wrap it around your feet holding on to both ends with your hands.
Climb towards your foot using the band pulling yourself one hand in front of the other. Do this until you can feel the stretch going from your calves all the way to your spine and lower back. Hold this for 8-10 seconds breathing normally. Do this 3 times.
Groin Stretch
Lay on your back with your legs almost in a split. Bend your left leg till your foot is flat on the floor. Wrap the elastic band on the right foot and gently pull with both arms. Hold this for another 8-10 seconds and then repeat 3 times. Then switch legs and do it all over again.
Glutes and External Rotator Stretch
Still laying with your back to the ground wrap the elastic band around one toe and straighten that leg, holding on to the band. Once it is extended then twist at the hip until that leg is on the ground, keeping your back as flat as can be. Hold this for the full 8-10 seconds repeating 3 times and then switch legs.
Hamstring Stretch
Assume the same position as the External Rotator Stretch and instead of twisting at the hip, stay straight, with your leg straight up and pull gently back towards your head. This stretches the hamstring, which relives some of the tension from the back.
Quad Stretch
Lay face down and wrap the elastic band around your toe pulling your leg towards your head. Once you feel your front thigh fully stretched, hold it for 8 seconds and then repeat two more times and do the same with the other leg.
These exercises will not only make you stronger and a bit more flexible, they will also be great stretching exercises to relieve back pain.
Doing some stretching exercises to relieve back pain can help overcome the day-to-day stress that our bodies undergo and the toll that it takes on our backs in particular.
* Introduction
* Low Back Stretch
* Groin Stretch
* Glutes and External Rotator Stretch
* Hamstring Stretch
* Quad Stretch
Depending on our occupation, we are forced to either stand or sit in one place for long periods of time. This poor posture and the constant compression of our spines can bring about not only short-term pain but long term problems. Correcting your posture and doingstretching exercises to relieve back pain will help remedy the situation.
Another problem that people face is on the weekends over compensating for their lack of activity during the week by undergoing rigorous physical activities. While getting exercise is highly recommended and beneficial, it can also cause problems if your body is not ready for the endeavor. This can make your body, in particular your back susceptible to injury. Getting a little bit of exercise during the week can prevent this and also doing stretching exercises to relieve back pain.
Five stretching exercises to relieve back pain that you can do that take only about 15 – 20 minutes a day will help your body recover from the stress we put on our bodies Monday through Friday. For these stretching exercises to relieve back pain you will need an elastic exercise band available at most department stores.
See your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program.
Low Back Stretch
This is accomplished by sitting upright on the floor with your legs together and stretched straight out. Take the exercise band and wrap it around your feet holding on to both ends with your hands.
Climb towards your foot using the band pulling yourself one hand in front of the other. Do this until you can feel the stretch going from your calves all the way to your spine and lower back. Hold this for 8-10 seconds breathing normally. Do this 3 times.
Groin Stretch
Lay on your back with your legs almost in a split. Bend your left leg till your foot is flat on the floor. Wrap the elastic band on the right foot and gently pull with both arms. Hold this for another 8-10 seconds and then repeat 3 times. Then switch legs and do it all over again.
Glutes and External Rotator Stretch
Still laying with your back to the ground wrap the elastic band around one toe and straighten that leg, holding on to the band. Once it is extended then twist at the hip until that leg is on the ground, keeping your back as flat as can be. Hold this for the full 8-10 seconds repeating 3 times and then switch legs.
Hamstring Stretch
Assume the same position as the External Rotator Stretch and instead of twisting at the hip, stay straight, with your leg straight up and pull gently back towards your head. This stretches the hamstring, which relives some of the tension from the back.
Quad Stretch
Lay face down and wrap the elastic band around your toe pulling your leg towards your head. Once you feel your front thigh fully stretched, hold it for 8 seconds and then repeat two more times and do the same with the other leg.
These exercises will not only make you stronger and a bit more flexible, they will also be great stretching exercises to relieve back pain.
Russ Kleve - FSHD Muscular Dystophy
Muscular Dystrophy
Wednesday, 01 July 2009 09:14
Russ kindly contributed the following Patient Experience to us and we have published it here.
Russ Kleve
USA, 48
Watch Russ' Video here.
See Russ' Blog here.
Primary Condition
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD)
Secondary Condition
Diabetes Type 2
Treated March 15-April 21, 2009
Course of Treatment
4 bags of umbilical cord stem cells via IV; 4 bags of S/C via intramuscular site injections (Round I: 60 injections into my biceps, thighs, and scapula/back; Round II: 24 injections into the front of my thighs and calves + 16 into the back of my legs); 1 Bone Marrow treatment.
Reason for Coming for Treatment
Deteriorating muscles due to FSHD condition. Walking and standing becoming very difficult and I required cane; could walk but only 3-4 blocks. Stem Cell treatment of any kind is not available in the US and the Beike program, after three months’ research, was the best program I had found based on safety, length and type of program, number of stem cells used, patients’ positive responses, and cost.
Condition After the Treatment
Standing is still difficult, but I am no longer falling when walking. I fall easily if I step on an obstacle, but this is rare. I have more energy and can now exercise every day for 1-2 hours without fatigue. In general, I am a bit stronger. Others have told me that my walking and gait are faster and smoother.
Follow Up Comments
My overall experience was excellent. The doctors and staff at Beike were warm and friendly and treated me very well. They were genuinely concerned about my comfort and achieving results. They were also honest with me about the necessary physical therapy and exercise I would need when I returned home in order to give my treatment its best chance at success.
I understand that given the need to rebuild muscle due to my condition, that several more months of therapy and exercise, combined with the time necessary for my stem cells to complete their replication and maturity process, will be required in order to fully discern my results. However, I feel that for the first time there is hope, and this alone has changed my life.
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